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~(Third person P.O.V.)~

  Matthew and (Name) sat on the (h/c) girls wooden table, eating the Vegetable soup (Name) made for the two for dinner. Matthew was shocked on how well made it was, not only was she smart and beautiful, she could also cook!

  "S-So do you like it?" (Name) asked shyly.

  "Yeah! It's really good name." Matthew smiled at her.

  "It's one of only things I c-can cook actually." She laughed slightly. "So what d-did your brother h-have to say?"

 "Ah, he was trying to tell me to take it easy on Jordan in our hockey match or something like that." Matthew shrugged his shoulders and sipped some of the soup. "Eh he shouldn't be that worried, it's not like he can kill me or anything."
 "Hmm, w-well least he worries for your wellbeing." (Name) smiled. The two finished up their meal and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom. "So t-this is where you will b-be sleeping for the night."
 "I'll um go get you some clothes." (Name) quickly ran out of the room, her face pure red. She quickly scurried out of the guestroom and went into her parents room. Matthew shrugged his shoulders and looked around the bedroom. It was quiet simple, nothing much. (Name) came rushing back in the room with what seemed to be a pair of grey sweats and a forest green shirt. " I h-hope they fit!"
 "Thanks (Name)" He smiled at her, slightly blushing.
 "O-okay! I need to g-go clean the kitchen.."
 "Oh let me help then."
 "No no! Matthew it's quiet alright!" (Name) ran out of the room in a fury once again. The Canadian boychuckled at the shy girls behavior. He exhaled and began to undress into the PJ's the girl brought him. Very baggy on him. He sighed and collapsed on the twin size bed, slightly exhausted for no reason. He gripped one of the pillows on the bed and buried his face into it. His face heated up, heart pounded furiously, and his stomach feels like butterflies are trying to escape from his stomach once he thought about (Name) in a maids outfit.

  "Stupid Matthew, don't think like that!" He mumbled to himself. But the image kept reappearing in his head. "Augghhhh! I should just go to bed." Matthew sighed and pulled the covers over his body. Sleep soon casted over him in a short time..

(Name) finished cleaning up the kitchen and went up stairs to try to talk to Matthew. She opened the door to the guest room to find Mattew asleep on the bed. She looked at the wall clock and saw it was only 7:45 pm. (Name) smiled sweetly and quietly walked towards the sleeping Canadian and placed a small peck on his pink cheek. "Goodnight, Matthew."

~(Next Day at the Ice Rink)~

  Matthew and (Name) walked into the local ice rink prepared, well mainly just Matthew. He had is hockey gear all on an ready, except his ice skates. "I'm going to go put my skates on and my helmet on as well, (Name). You can wait on the bleachers to watch if you want or something." Matthew smiled and head out to one of the benches where players sit at official hockey games. She smiled back, he cheeks tinted a lovely pink. (Name) made her way towards the bleachers. She spotted a familiar face; Alfred's face! He looked severely worried which concerned (Name) quiet a lot.

  (Name) sat next to the worried looking boy and tapped his shoulder. "U-um is something b-bothering you Alfred?"

  "Yeah! Dudette, Jordan has something planned for my lil bro and I don't know what. I'm worried something bad will happen to Mattew." Alfred let out in one breath of air.

  "S-so that's why you c-called him last ni-night! To w-warn him, not to t-tell him to take it e-easy." (Name)'s face went to a worried expression just like Alfreds. A loud buzzer rang through the small ice rink arena and both Matthew and jordan skated their ways to the middle from each side.

  "So what are we doing Jordan?" Matthew asked with sass a 'I don't care' tone.

  "How about.. If you get the hockey puck in my goal I'm guarding.... I'll leave you and sweet cheeks over there alone. If I win, I could be with sweet cheeks all I want and you can't be with her ever again." Jordan stated the stakes.

  "Deal. Shake on it?" Matthew stretched his arm.

  "Deal." The two boys shook on it. "You can start first. Make this shot you win." Matthew skated to the center of the ice rink while Jordan went to the goal he was guarding. Alfred and (Name) watched intensely, Alfred biting his thumb nail. Matthew placed his puck on the ice and started to make his way near the goal. With one swift motion, the puck went gliding across the ice and easily hitting the net of Jordans' goal.

  (Name) immediately went from scared to joy and begin cheering like madly; Alfred still worried.  Matthew turned and faced (Name) and his brother, while taking his helmet off. He waved happily, not paying attention to Jordan skating towards Matthew with his hockey stick in the air. (Name)'s face went back to horror, Alfred stood up "MATTHEW!" The two shouted as loud as they could.



  Down went Matthew. "NO!" Both Alfred and (Name) Screamed. Blood begin to pool from Matthews head and onto the ice...

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