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~America's P.O.V.~

  As Al walked in the halls looking for Feliciano, he started to think about (Name). 'Wait, what am I doing? Why do I like (Name)?' Alfred let out a sigh. 'I mean yeah she's cute and all but, why? Is it because Matthew likes her?' I stopped walking for a second. 'Maybe because Matthew likes her?' The American boy let out a loud groan. 

  "Alfred ve~ What's the problem?" Just the guy he was looking for, Feliciano.

  "Ah well, I wanted to ask you something." Alfred mumbled slightly. "I'm in a bit of a romance problem and I think you can fix it."

  "Oh si si! I can help!" Feli grinned. "Lets go in the classroom so we can talk privately!" He wiggled his eyebrows and grabbed Alfreds' arm, dragging him to the nearest classroom. He and Alfred sat at the closest desks next to each other. "So, tell me your issues." His smile never leaving his face.

  "Well you see, I like this girl and my brother really likes her as well and I was hoping you could give me some advise." Alfred started, twiddling his thumbs. "But I don't think its love anymore, I think I only like her 'cause my bro does."

  "Ah, I understand. Something like that happened to my brother and I when we were younger." Feliciano scratched his head with a 'duck' face. "It's a brother thing, your fratello loves a ragazza and you just can't help but 'feel like you love her, si?"

  "Well yeah actually, just like that." Alfred weakly chuckled.

  "It's jealousy ~Ve! Well sorta I guess. I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to 'serious relationship' advice. But I can say this, if you only like her cause your fratello does, stop. Don't let it ruin your relationship with him." Feli had a soft, meaningful smile on his face.

  "Wow, I never really heard you say something smart like that. Thanks dude!" Alfred smiled, finally figuring out the 'conflicts' inside him.

  "No problemo! And don't be upsetti! Have some spaghetti!(Yes I read your comments)" Felcianos 'meaningful' smile turned into a goofy grin. Alfred shook his head and laughed before going to the door and leaving the classroom. 

  'I'm kinda glad I don't actually like-like (Name). Matthew should be happy and have the girl this time.' Alfred smiled and walked down the hallway to find his brother.

  ~Matthews P.O.V.~

  Matthew let a content sigh as him and (Name) sat together under a tree, watching fellow classmates walk around during the lunch. Matthew wished he could spend forever like this but he knew he couldn't.

  "Enjoy the little things in life." (Name) whispered out.

  "Hmm?" Mattie looked at her with curious eyes. "What do you mean?"

  "L-like this. Relaxing under a tree, not worrying about a-anthing. And this is just a small thing, but a great thing." She smiled, having a small blush on her face.

  "I was thinking the same thing actually, this is so peaceful, especially spending this time with you." Matthew was also blushing. "S-so (Name) I was wondering, if you'd like to go-"

  "Hey dudes!" Alfred called out from a distance, jogging towards the two. Matthew groaned from being interrupted.

  "Hey Al!" (Name) waved back. "What brings you here?" Matt stared off with a annoyed look on his face waiting to hear what his brother has to say.

  "Well (Name), I have something important to tell you." He panted, "I really like you!"  

  "Wait what?!" Both (Name) and Matthew exclaimed.

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