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~(Third Person P.O.V.)~

  (Name) practically jumped over the hip high wall and ran towards Matthew. Of course the shy girl slipped and fell on her way towards the Canadian. But she immediately got up and did her best to get to Matthew. Once (Name) got to him, she made sure to put his head on her lap while Alfred called for an Ambulance. (Name) was sobbing while holding Matthew's head to stop more blood from flowing out, praying that he will be fine. Jordan on the other hand, was laughing evilly. He skated towards (Name) and put his gloved hand on her head.

  "See (Name), leave this wimp. He can even handle a little tap to the head." Jordan chuckled.

  "Back off." (Name) muttered.

  "What was that babe?"

  "I said, back off." (Name) took off her sweater and placed it under Matthews head. She then gently rested the unconcious Canadian's head on the ice. The usually timid girl stood up and glared a Jordan.

  "Awww are you mad sweetcheeks? Don't worry you'll get over this quickly. Now, how about we go on a date somewhere and-" Jordan was cut off from (Name)'s small fist hitting his jaw. The curly haired teen fell back on his rear end, while rubbing his jaw.

  "I s-said back off!" (Name) glanced towards Alfred who was currently talking to the 911 operator. Alfred hung up and made his way towards his younger brother carefully.  Jordan stood up and glared at the two.

  "Alfred, you are no longer a part of the foot ball team. And (Name), you are a f*cking bitch." Jordan snarled. Sirens were heard from the outside, policemen and nueses ran into the ice rink and carefully got to Matthew the officers detained Jordan. They quickly left the icerink; leaving both Alfred and (Name). (Name) Quietly made her way to the bleachers along with Alfred. The two sat down and silently looked the ground. The American boy glanced over at the shy (hair color) girl and noticed tear drops falling from her (eye color) pools.

  "There there, (Name)" Alfred comforted, wrapping his arms around her. "Matthew will pull out of this, he may seem small... but he is a tough one." The shy girl nodded and snuggled into his chest, sobbing. Her crying made Alfred 's blue eyes tear up. Oh Matthew please be fine.... For (Name)'s sake....

  It was thirty minutes later and after both (Name) and Alfred had calmed down, the two went to the hospital where Matthew was tooken to and sat in the waiting room Alfred began to worry about the medical bill that would soon be piling up. (Name) read Alfred like a book. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave a small smile.

  "D-Don't worry Alfred, I'll help pay off the bills. Don't worry.  F-Focas on Matthew now.." (Name) smiled. The American boy nodded. "Hopefully everything w-will be alright.." They were both silent again; Alfred was reading a motorcycle magazine while (Name) examined the waiting room. Not a lot of people were there except for a small boy and his father and a elderly woman. A nurse walked out. She hade black hair, pulled into a bun and dark brown eyes.

  "Is anyone here for...." She looked down at her clipboard. "Matthew William?" Once the two heard the name they immediately sprung up and walked quickly towards her.

  "Yes, us two." Alfred smiled

  "My name is Melissa.  Now what are your relationship with the patient?"

  "I'm Alfred,  his older brother, (Name) is his..... uh girlfriend." (Name) blushed slightly at Alfred for saying she was his younger siblings gielfriend

"Alright, right this way you two." She smiled. They both followed her but lahhed behind.

"Alfred, w-why did y-you say I was Matthews girl-girlfriend!?" (Name) squeaked with a red face.

  "Duddete, she wouldn't of let you see him just yet if you said you were a friend."

  "M-Makes sense I g-guess." The nurse stopped at the door labeled 690.

  "Alright, here he is. It may take him a while to wake up, the anastasia may still be wearing off. He has a small fracture on his skull but... Doctors said he'll make it." She opened the door to let Alfred and (Name) in and she made sure to close it. There laid Matthew,  bandage around his head, sleeping soundlessly.

  "See I told you he'd make it (Name). It qas only a scratch." Alfred smiled in relief. She simply nodded. Matthew began to stir in his hospital bed, groaning while trying to sit up. He gripped his head and opened his purple hued eyes.

  "Oh hey Alfred... what happened?" He asked. "And whose the girl? New girlfriend?"......

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