14(Final part)

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A/N: Yes you read right, this is the final installment of this series. I'd like to say thanks for all the support. I am ending this because I am not into Hetalia much as I used to be and I'd hate to drag on a series and put no meaning into it. With all that is said, thank you for the support.
.(Third Person P.O.V.).

It seemed to happen magically in Matthews eyes. After being dragged to the park and watching Francis and Alfred set up the perfect picnic and Gilbert 'styling' him up, he still couldn't believe he would finally have a date with (Name). He has only been with the (hair color) girl for one month but he knew he loved her deeply and he knew she helped him try to get over with his jealousy problems.

The four of them in the park heard the engine of Toni's car pull up and Alfred, Francis, and Gilbert quickly ran off somewhere to hide, leaving the Canadian boy by himself to greet (Name). He turns his head towards where (Name) and he see's her walking towards him with a nervous smile. A blush quickly creped onto his face as he watched her approach the set up.

"H-Hey Matthew. I didn't k-know you would be there." She smiled innocently.

"Well, lets have a seat." Matt smiled and they both sat down in the blanket. "So...uh... You look nice, (Name)." Her cheeks lit up a shade of red.

"Y-you look n-nice too!" It was silent between the two before Matthew opened the basket and pulled out two waters.

"Here you go-" Matthew was interrupted by the blonde Frenchman playing a romantic song on a violin. (Name) giggled at the Canadian's expression. He was slightly ticked off at Francis for jumping out but he shrugged it off. "There are Turkey sandwiches in there if you want one."

"Let's t-talk first." She smiled and Matthew nodded in agreement. Before he could even say anything else; Alfred, Gilbert, and Toni popped from a near by bush.

"Just kiss already!" They laughed in unison. Francis angrily stopped playing and went to scold the three.

"Imbéciles!(Imbeciles!) I told you not to do anything." He yelled before dragging them away from Matthew and (Name).

"I am sorry about them, they helped set up this date-"

"D-date?" Matthews cheeks flashed red in realization of what he said along with (Name).

"W-well, yeah... A date. Look (Name), I really like you, actually, love you." Mattie finally confessed to the (eye color) girl.

"I..." (Name) started, "I feel the same too!" She rushed out, her cheeks a bright red. They both stared into each others eyes before slowly leaning in. Their lips and just like that, the kiss ended. They heard 'whoops' from the distance and three loud smacks. Matthew chuckled and (Name) giggled.


"Finally..." And the two both kissed once again...and lived happily ever after.


I hope you guys enjoyed the final part. Stay awesome.

I also opened up a Marvel One Shot book if any of you guys want to read it.

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