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      'No mother in her right mind would watch her children suffer,' said Tikaku, her teary eyes a vision of loving mother who was willing to die just to see their children happy. Hiro understood and embraced his wife.

'Count me in, my love.' This time he seldom called Tikaku his Robo Girl, for her transformation was complete. 'We must save our children and leave this island, our personal paradise.'

For decades the humanoids had helped the nation survive due to its aging population which had affected its economy and security. They were programmed to serve the people and remain loyal to their masters. Unlike man most humanoids had no free will and were bound to obey and not to question orders.

But some humanoids like Tikaku who was developed for special military purpose, were implanted with special personality as part of their arsenal of lethal weapons. The ordinary machines -- the farm or factory workers and foot soldiers -- were not endowed with human emotions or passions. Neither were they autonomous and capable of reprogramming themselves. They were programmed to act according to the purpose they were made. But not Tikaku.

She was designed to perform biological procreation and possessed super intelligence which she used in cloning their children and were raised in Japan where they grew up and educated as future leaders, while Hiro and Tikaku stayed in a secluded island in South Pacific, choosing peace and solitude instead of violence.

After studying and training as future leaders, the children began to excel in many high level positions in the government, while others preferred spiritual life as Zen Buddhists.

Akito became popular as a political leader because of his outstanding legislations and wise decisions which improved the economy of the nation and solved the problems due to aging population and external threats as well as the issue on the proliferation of humanoids in the country which his ultra-nationalist opponents had resisted. His enemies in the Diet, especially the descendants of the daimyos resisted the ロボット化 (robotto-ka) in the government and even in the entertainment world. They adored everything traditionally Japanese-- geisha servitude, bearing katana, tea ceremony, etc. and wanted a return to pre-Meiji era. These pseudo-romantic politicians bowed to bring down the leadership of Akito whose appointment as prime minister was just a breath away.

The cloned children began to assert their prominence in the society until they occupied influential positions which demanded respect and obedience. The nation prospered and became a peacekeeping power in Asia. But some political rivals wanted them toppled from their positions.

Akito had been appointed prime minister but his opponents were moving heaven and earth to unseat him if not by democratic process then by force. A civil war threatened to disrupt and destroy the peaceful coexistence of man and Humanoid.

Will Tikaku remain silent in her paradise island? Can she help her children maintain the peaceful State she had dreamed of, where justice and love define the survival of the nation? She was an old humanoid periodically rejuvenated with serum produced in their island laboratory, together with Hiro her human husband who remained ageless, strong and in perfect health despite his age. Their children would occasionally consult them and seek their opinions on important matters affecting their country.

The humanoids occupied many positions in the government especially in the military where legions of them were created to defend the country from both internal and external violence and terrorism. Now they must choose with whom to side: man their creator or their brother humanoids?

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