CHAPTER 9: Tikaku Braces for Action

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     Tikaku's shimai has been tracking the movement of Sato and his minion and relaying the information to Tikaku since they staged a failed assassination of Akito. But there were gaps in the data for Sato's drone used in his escape was especially equipped to erase its thermal or acoustic footprints. And Sato's drone made an irregular movement to confuse the tracking sensor used by the shimai. So the job of tracking down Sato rested on Tikaku and if she would attempt to hunt him down she would meet a stiff resistance for Sato's warriors were trained to engage Tikaku in all manners of fighting.

But Sato had no intention of destroying Tikaku, not yet until every part of her system had been analyzed so that a new Humanoid programmed to do his bidding was created. It was a pity that her blueprint went up in smoke. She was a multi-billion yen fighting machine built almost four decades ago. The government could have created another Tikaku but since she disappeared or 'eloped' with a human being, the government lost interest in creating a similar Humanoid, an autonomous machine endowed with human attributes, capable of responding to human Passion, and the most important was a machine that could go beyond the limit of its programmed artificial intelligence, a machine that was built to wage war singlehandedly. And Tikaku was that machine which was out to track down the enemies of her cloned children and her country.

Her mission was to locate Sato and bring him to justice. But if he resisted or used his minion then she would be forced to use her lethal weapon. But she would give him the chance to prove his manly skill as descendant of the samurai class. And Tikaku would match his skill with her skill. Mano por Mano. Katana por katana.

Her first concern was to secure the safety of her family who were all over the country. But she knew that they were cloned to overcome weaknesses by manipulating their DNA and equipping them with intelligence that almost matched her intelligence, maybe one bar lower but it was more than enough to help them choose the right if not the best decision when a problem presented itself. In this case survival is the issue that demanded the best intelligence and Tikaku's children have been honed by her shimai to overcome difficulties by using their natural intelligence which they acquired from their parents.

She sent an encrypted message to Akito, telling him that she would visit her shimai. Of course Akito knew what his mother was up to.

"Yes, mother. Couldn't wait to see you again," said Akito in his reply. Akito knew where her shimai lived for they nursed them and trained them while their parents were living in their island paradise. They were Humanoid which were cloned to perform many functions, from domestic chores to military warfare.

Tikaku had cloned one hundred Humanoid warriors who were trained in both ancient and modern warfare, and Tikaku needed just fifty shimai to bring Sato to justice while another fifty would be imbedded with the security assigned at the imperial palace.

Quantity-wise her warriors were outnumbered by Sato's warriors. But they were female Humanoid who knew the weaknesses of man. So they could pose as geisha out for pleasure or something. And once inside the lair of Sato they could create some truly nasty problem, like blowing up Sato's fighting drones or wiring the place with explosives enough to bring down the silo. What if they were caught or annihilated? Was it a problem? They were expendable machines. They could even be converted to walking bombs if they chose to because they were autonomous machines and Tikaku had programmed them to respond to her call on second notice.

"Akito," went Tikaku's encrypted message to Akito. "Fifty of my shimai will join the security of the imperial family. Another fifty will join me in my search for Sato. Take care of your father. I love you, son."

Akito had no time to answer, for his mother turned off her phone. He called the chief of military services to allow the fifty lHumanoid sisters of his mother to join the palace security. He also called Danuja his brother and commander of the naval force to get in touch with their mother.

"Brother. Mother is out to snare Sato. Mobilize your marines and assist mother," Akito sent this encrypted message to Danuja, now full-fledged admiral and defense chief of the naval forces.

"Yes, brother. I'll wait for mother's message. Stay safe."

Danuja's fleet was at North Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan consisting of two aircraft carriers, six destroyers, and two minesweepers. Each aircraft carriers had fifty fighter drones and ten stealth helicopters, equipped with rapid firing laser cannons. Two thousand Humanoid marines waited for order to strike at the target enemies. Admiral Danuja received the battle plan from Akito who assumed the position as commander-in-chief.

Sato was holed up in his lair a hundred meters deep down the silo and could only be reached through a sliding door made of reinforced concrete and double plated with five inch thick titanium. Danuja knew that their mother and her shimai would fight their way to the lair, but he did not know how Tikaku would penetrate the hole. Finally he received the message from his mother.

"Danuja, unleash your fire power on the silo of Sato while we wait half a kilometer away outside. Once the door of the bunker opened and the warriors of Sato stream out together with their fighter drone, we will wait in ambush. Send in your marines after ten minutes."

"Aye, mother," replied Danuja.

"We're ready to unleash our missiles to penetrate the silo. If Sato sends out his fighter drones to attack us, we'll respond with our energy weapons. Mother, our marines are on the way north of the silo. Good luck, mother," replied Danuja on his command ship.

Tikaku wore anti-laser body armor and katana equipped with electromagnetic laser beam. She had no laser gun for her eyes which emitted devastating electric beam would serve the purpose. It was two hours before sunrise and Tikaku together with her warriors rode on their stealth drones and waited for Danuja to unleash the bombardment. Then Danuja gave order to unleash the smart missiles.

Four missiles were fired in succession hitting the silo with accuracy. But the bunker held out and Sato ordered the door open and let out the fighter drones to track down Danuja's fleet west of the silo. The drones flew out one at a time towards to the fleet while Tikaku waited. Then she ordered ten warriors to chase the enemies' drones using their laser cannons. By this time the marines had landed west of the silo after the bombardments stopped and waited for Sato's warriors to stream out. Tikaku and forty of her warriors joined the marines.

Sato had emerged unscratched from his lair but the missiles had damaged most of his armor vehicles, except the fighter drones which were spared. He ordered the pilots to locate the naval fleet and destroy them, while his warriors would attack the imperial palace where supporters posing as tourists waited outside the park of the palace to join them. Briefly he rallied his warriors to his battlecry.

"For the glory of our shogunate ancestors. Samurais this is our greatest moment. Let us fight and liberate our fatherland from the Humanoid imposters. Hail to our ancestors."

"Hail to our ancestors!"

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