CHAPTER 4: Contact

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Tikaku set the drone on autonomous mode after charting their route northwest from their island to mainland Japan. Instead of landing in Okinawa, she decided to proceed to the island of Mikurajima, a beautiful volcanic island known for its paradise-like pristine scenery. Looking at the video map on monitor the island straddled the Philippine Sea.

"Our stopover is on a beautiful island north of your country, Hiro San," said Tikaku while scanning the vast Pacific Ocean. They skirted the air space controlled by the Americans by cruising across the international sea lanes more than 20 miles east of Mariana island then up into Philippine Sea until they were a few hundred miles south of the island occupied by Japan. Then Tikaku sent a secret message to Akito.

Akito was conducting an emergency meeting with his cabinet when he received his mother's message. He signaled his chief of staff to relay the message to the commanding general of the Air Force.

"Gentlemen, soon Sato will be in the bag," he stood and bowed to his clapping staff who did the same as he left the war room and proceeded to his office.

Akito knew the position of his mother. There was no need for hologram chat. He sent back his message to Tikaku which read:

"Proceed to the island." He did not identify the island for he knew that Sato was tracking all messages.

It was almost seven o'clock when the drone landed on a deserted patch of meadow in Mikurajima island. The place was similar to their island in South Pacific, except that a handful of local citizens lived on the island. Hiro liked the place and would have asked Tikaku if they could stay here, but Tikaku knew what was in Hiro's mind.

"We shall wait for the team sent by Akito." Tikaku chose a secluded place to park her drone near a forest with luscious Sakura trees and evergreen foliage. Mums, chrysanthemum and other wild flowers were abundantly blooming on the meadows. Tikaku could see the flowers because her ultra-vision eyes could clearly see in the dark. They walked around while waiting for the aircraft to pick them up.

"Where shall we stay, my love?" asked Hiro as they sat on a fallen evergreen tree.

Tikaku was a humanoid designed to follow order. But since her former Masuta had passed away, she would obey him that her son the prime minister would send. This was not a problem for Tikaku as long as he passed her psycho-intelligence scanner. Nobody could escape her third eye x-ray like vision scanner. Just then her thermal radar detected the approach of an aircraft about two miles north of the island. The blip passed through her digital visual analyzer which by-passed the stealth system of the aircraft and revealed its type. It was a stealth helicopter. Hiro watched Tikaku and knew what she was doing.

"Is it our aircraft?" asked Hiro. Tikaku nodded. Soon the aircraft appeared and descended on the meadow. Two soldiers came out of the helicopter and waited for Tikaku and Hiro to come out. Akito contacted his mom.

"Mother, I've sent Col. Egi to pick you up and father."

Tikaku came forward alone while Hiro hid behind the fallen evergreen.

"Identify yourself, soldier," challenged Tikaku who saw his name tag.

"Madam, I'm Col. Egi sent by his excellency Akito to bring you and your husband to the imperial palace."

Tikaku scanned the soldier and his men and found them safe with their name tag matching their personal profile which she retrieved from her military data regularly fed to her by her clone sisters on the mainland. She motioned Hiro to appear from his hiding.

Col. Egi and his men bowed to the couple who took the seats behind the pilot. Slowly the aircraft took off and headed into Tokyo.

At the imperial palace Empress Kana and the emperor together with Akito waited for the arrival of their parents.

Hiro peered at the chopper window and saw scores of dolphin on the shore, their back reflecting the moonbeam. He loved sea animals and the pale silvery light of the moon.

The aircraft flew straight into the capital after being cleared by military radars which bristled all around the city because of the state of emergency. After an hour of cruising the capital city emerged but only tower red lights were allowed to prevent aircraft strike by low flying drones or choppers.

The chopper glided gently as it approached the imperial palace for its impenetrable shield was raised to ward off aerial attack.

"Requesting permission to enter," the pilot conveyed his message to the ground controller. The pilot sent an encrypted password.

"Request approved. Proceed to the processing area."

The pilot cruised around the imperial palace about a quarter of mile away and landed at the designated chopper pad for processing.

Two armored van approached the chopper which remained closed while waiting for the inspectors. Just then a tall man alighted from one of the van while his bodyguards formed two lines. It was Akito who had the features of his father, about 5"10' tall and the almond eyes of Tikaku.

"At ease, boys," signaled Akito to his men who made a deep bow and allowed him to approach the chopper.

The pilot recognized him and pressed the door button.

"Mother! Father," called Akito.

Tikaku heard her son but waited for Col. Ego to alight from the chopper.

"Your excellency. Your beloved parents are safe and sound," said the colonel as he saluted the prime minister.

"Thank you, Egi." Then he saw his parents step down from the chopper and Akito ran to embrace them.

"Otosan (father). Haha (mother). My heart rejoices at seeing you again." He hugged his parents as if they had been separated for decades.

"The emperor and Hana the empress have been waiting for your arrival," Akito signaled his men to secure the van that would bring them to the imperial palace.

"How's everybody, Akito?" asked Hiro who was worried of the attempted plot to assassinate him.

"My siblings are all fine." Turning to Tikaku.

"Mother, we need you in this crisis."

Tikaku did not show any apprehension for she was programmed for any and all kinds of armed conflicts. Her lethal visual thermal particle beams would match any laser gun or cannon her enemy would unleash and she had developed a katana that directed her energy power to any metal surface with devastating effect without compromising its razor-blade. Part of her training was the use of katana according to samurai tradition which she could use in close skirmishes.

The current insurrection would force her to use her lethal weapon, and she would not remain passive and enjoying their idyllic life in the island while evil raged in her midst.

"Bring me to your military staff," calmly said Tikaku to Akito.

"Yes, mother, after our dinner with the emperor and his empress," answered Akito.

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