CHAPTER 1 The Imperial Confirmation

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A vast throng of spectators waited for the arrival of the entourage of his royal highness the Emperor and his wife, Empress Kana, the sister of Vice Prime Minister Akito, from their vacation trip on an island in South Pacific. For security reason the location of the island was kept secret. It was the island where Kana's parents lived. A stealth yacht escorted by the imperial navy brought the imperial family to the island. The visit of the imperial family lasted for one week, and their return to the imperial residence in Tokyo was announced just an hour before their arrival. Nevertheless a day earlier the media had gotten wind of their planned arrival at the imperial residence and leaked it online. It attracted the attention of both tourists and local residence and crowd began to gather outside the palace.

Akito was to visit the imperial residence to pay homage to the emperor, his brother-in-law, and seek his appointment after he was elected the new prime minister following the resignation of a sick old prime minister. Humanoid soldiers armed with laser gun escorted him. The route to the palace was monitored by drones with CCTV and relayed suspicious elements to police.

Akito had not visited his parents in the island for quite sometime because of his job and the turmoil in the Diet following his appointment. Although he regularly held a video chat with his parents, he wanted to get additional information from his sister Kana regarding their parents' security in the island. Likewise he wanted to warn the Emperor of the restless politicians who threatened not only his leadership but also the security of the imperial family because of their anti-humanoid agenda which could escalate into civil war. And the imperial family could be dragged into the impending war because of Kana the known daughter of a humanoid mother.

Akito's political enemies were making an alliance with the descendants of some daimyos who longed to return to power. The descendants of the shogunate had become numerous and powerful and they wanted to sway the people's support by fraternizing with some politicians who opposed the union of man and the humanoid. It was an issue long forgotten for the humanoids had filled up positions shunned by the new generation, like serving in the military or performing factory and agricultural tasks.

After prevailing in the Diet election, Akito and his supporters proceeded to the imperial palace an hour after the arrival of the imperial family. Five laser proof black vehicles fashioned like old limousine slowly headed into the imperial palace while his arch rival Deputy minister Sato Izu pretended to bow as the entourage passed.

"The clone is going to his majesty's palace," said Sato to his chief of staff.

"Let him enjoy this brief moment of triumph," answered chief Tagasi. Our brothers are waiting.'

"Once he's out of the way it's easy to get the support of his majesty, but for his cloned wife," whispered Sato to his aide.

"She will follow her cloned brothers and sisters," said Tagasi.

"Our next concern is the machine soldiers. They will be reprogrammed so that they will just follow our orders," Sato said while he lighted a cigar. The entourage of Akito had left the National Diet building and proceeded to the palace of the imperial family. From his office Sato could see the cars of Akito heading out into the imperial palace while the humanoid soldiers riding on titanium motor cycles led the group. Other backup soldiers followed. The crowd cheered and waved their hands. Akito waved back as his car speeded fast the crowd. It was a beautiful day of spring and the air was fresh as the leaves of cherry blossoms began to replace the fallen flowers. While he was waving his hand he received a call from his brother Denjie.

"Hello brother!" replied Akito.

"Brace up for any lawless elements. They are out to sow terror and depose you, brother," warned Denjie. 'Wish I'm with you today but I can't leave the nuclear station. It's part of their target."

Akito calmly answered his brother while waving at the crowd.

"We are prepared, brother." Akito ordered his security to brace for ambush. The cars transformed into armored vehicles capable of warding off hand-held weapons and light cannon supercharged laser. The humanoid soldiers received the warning and prepared for attack.

Suddenly drones appeared and opened up with their light personnel cannon, hitting two humanoid guards which burst into flames. The rest of the humanoid soldiers responded and shot down three drones. Akito's car and escorts changed their route away from the imperial palace to save it from destruction. Akito's chief security alerted the police mobile units who responded with their flying patrol cars. They saw six drones flying towards Akito's convoy and opened fire with their laser cannons. Three drones were hit and plummeted into Tokyo bay. One drone managed to follow the car of Akito and rained it with shots but it failed to penetrate the body of the car because of its anti-armor piercing titanium plates. Akito's security shot down the drone. The two other drones escaped but were finished before they could land at the airport where they were flown by remote control.

The crowd who earlier were jubilantly waving their hands with Japanese flaglets panicked and ran in every direction while the police tried to calm them.

Akito'a entourage proceeded to their headquarters for the imperial palace was locked down with shields and tanks surrounded the palace.

"Sir, we have to act fast and convene the national security council," said Akito's chief Yamato.

From their headquarters Akito convened the Council which voted to declare a national emergency. Akito called up the emperor to inform him of the council's decision.

"Your majesty, I am sorry to inform you that because of the attempt on my life by the enemy of the State, the Imperial Security Council voted to declare a national emergency to save the empire from her enemies. I'm sorry this happens during my watch as the Prime Minister-elect." The emperor listened to Akito through the palace hologram.

"Do not blame yourself, my brother. Do what you can to save our country from our enemy. Your sister and I are safe here in the palace."

Akito directed the national police general to conduct an investigation on his attempted assassination and to arrest the ring leaders. He knew who was behind the fiasco but he wanted to be fair and just by waiting for the authority to wind up their investigation. He knew that they would not stop until he was silenced and the government taken over by enemy of the state.

Back at the Office of Sato, chief Tagasi handed Sato his katana.

"Must I do it, Tagasi?" asked Sato.

"It's the only way to redeem your honor, Sir. A few minutes from now the police will arrest us."

Sato smiled.

"Our cause is not lost yet. The blade can wait. Prepare the drone."

Tagasi was surprised, but he went out to prepare the drone through the secret door at the back of the office and started the drone while Sato followed. He looked around his office and muttered to himself:

"I'll be back."

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