CHAPTER 6: Imperial Dinner

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The two black vans silently proceeded to the Meiji shrine and the Yoyogi park, a wooded place sacred to the memory of Emperor Meiji and his empress Shoken. The small convoy stopped at the back of the shrine and the ground where the vans stopped began to descend effortlessly, smooth as elevator, then it stopped about one hundred meters below the ground. They stopped on a similarly underground wooded area con Meiji shrine. It was the underground residence of the royal family, built to protect the royal family from any form of attack. Akito alighted from the van and bid his parents to follow him.

"Father, mother. The emperor and his empress are waiting for us at the lounge area before we proceed to the banquet hall. Your quarter will be adjacent to the emperor's chamber. You can change into our traditional courtroom dresses. Mother?"

Tikaku knew that time was running out for her cloned sisters had sent an encrypted message about Sato's movement and whereabouts. She could accommodate Royalty protocols but after this Tikaku had to lay out her plan and execute it faultlessly. Fifty of her cloned soldiers had been called on first notice. Sato must be neutralize before he could inflict any further damage.

"Akito, we will talk after the dinner. Sato is out to snare your brother Daiki. Secure the hospital."

"Yes, mother, I've contacted brother Daiki to be vigilant in his hospital together with my other siblings. We have secured the hospitals and other facilities in the cities especially the nuclear stations. Can you just stay in the palace with father? Our securities will take care of this national emergency."

Tikaku listened to Akito but did not respond to his request. Akito knew what was in her mind.

Tikaku and Hiro were led to their quarter to change dress. Hiro wanted to prevail upon Tikaku to heed her son's wish, but he knew what she would do and he respected her decision.

"Hiro San. Stay with the royal family while I'm out with my sisters. Sato's warriors were trained in stealth fighting because they are not prepared for conventional military warfare. They'll strike where they are less expected, sowing confusion among the local residents. We must act fast before they can inflict damages. I'll brief Akito of the intelligence provided me by my sisters after the dinner."

While they were conversing two court chamber ladies came to dress Tikaku with rare sokutai attire and a golden headgear worn by the royal empress. This was part of the gift of empress Kana to her mother, while Hiro wore a black montsuki kimono with white Hakama pants. They looked gorgeous in their traditional outfit and Tikaku had to bear these ceremonial outfits before she changed into a especially crafted warrior armor which no laser or armor piercing bullets can dint. The couple proceeded to the dinner hall while Humanoid guards bowed as they passed by. They were ushered to their seats at the royal table and remained standing while waiting for the royal family to appear. Then the court jiju announced the entrance of the emperor and his royal retinue in their traditional attires.

The emperor and his empress were garbed in Meiji royal attire. When the emperor saw Tikaku he personally dispensed with protocol and approached her and Hiro like old friends.

"My dear Tikaku and Hiro. We are honored by your visit," exclaimed the emperor who exuded excitement in spite of the discord created by an attempt on Akito's life.

"Empress Hana has glowing stories of your enchanting island. I wish I could visit that beautiful place."

Tikaku bowed to the emperor while empress Hana waited for the emperor to finish before she approached her parents and embraced them.

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