Chapter 07 - Dreams

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Leaving his jacket by the sofa, Nan looked for Mac to tease, his favorite pass time. Into the kitchen and still no signs. //hhmm//
The garden then.//He liked it there// Opening the door leading to the garden, the pallet was empty before Nan's eyes caught something else.// Mac!!!// his mind voice screamed.

There, in the middle of the pond, Mac was floating facedown, hands spread, motionless. Running, only to kneel by the water edge, Nan's long limbs reached out to grab Mac's wet jacket, pulling him towards dry ground.

" Wei!!!" Nan screamed for help as soon as he had Mac, turning in his arms. Wet hair splattered on his forehead, lips blue, his skin was cold to touch. He looked so... //dead// Nan's mind uttered. How long had he been in the water? How did he even manage to drown, it was so shallow? So many questions running in his head, Nan was panicking. Tapping his face, shaking his chest, Nan wasn't getting any positive response. Where was Wei? Why wasn't anyone coming to help him?

" No...Don't do this to me" Nan muttered repeatedly at the precious weight in his hands. He had just gained this happiness, Buddha don't take it away. He wasn't ready. He hugged Mac to his front, giving him some heat, rocking front and back, fingers clutching at Mac's back. //God, what am I going to tell his father?// Nan's anguish building.

Nan awoke to the anxious thudding of his heart and cold sweat on his brow. Disoriented from the nightmare, it took him a moment to realize that he was in his own bed and most importantly, a warm body was nestled by his side. Resting on an arm, Nan looked over Mac's blanket clad shoulder, seeing that chest rise and fall in rhytam, eyes closed peacefully, soft in sleep. Mac was here, Mac was alive, his mind reminded itself, shaking memories of his recent nightmare free. Lying down on his back, Nan ran nervous hands through his hair because it had felt so real. Hands rummaging blindly by the bedside table, he picked up his phone. 3am it read but he had just gone to sleep at 2. Anxious but tired, Nan closed his eyes again, attempting sleep.

" Nan..... Nannnnnn...." Mac kept calling. It was almost 7am, his transport cum ATM was still asleep like a log and yet to give him 200 baht. Dressed in his work clothes, Mac crossed the room to stand by Nan's bedside, slapping his bare shoulders. No sign of consciousness, Mac increased his pressure, taking delight in being able to whack Nan a lil harder. Eyes snapping open, his fury sprang to life, gripping the offending arm hard in a tight grip, cutting short Mac's internal glee.

"Argh! Mac screamed, frightened by the sudden change. His arm was hurting but Nan's angry eyes were scary. Both staring at each other a moment, Nan then dropped Mac's hand in disgust while sitting up. Taking a step back, Mac yelled.

" what the fuck was that bastard? It's getting late and you wake up to hurt me! Pig!"

Nan looked away from that red face. He was still tired, having restless sleep, the dream fresh in mind. Rubbing his hand over his face, Nan chased Mac away.

" go wait in the car...go!" He shooed like a stray. Pissed at Nan's dismissive attitude, Mac picked up his work bag, slamming the door on his way out, straight to the car.

Downstairs, Wei shook his head disappointment, taking in the door slam, followed by heavy footsteps rushing down the stairs, out the door, it only mean Mac was angry again, his Hia was the cause and they were gonna miss breakfast because it was late. Picking the lunchbox, Wei went to lean against the front door, ankles crossed, waiting. Surely enough, within minutes, another set of thundering footsteps made it's way down. Dressed in shorts, slipping on a t-shirt midway, Hia looked annoyed, picking the bag roughly and walking away.

Reaching Mac's office 5 minutes late, Nan came to a stop. Mac was giving him the silent treatment, not looking at him way. Picking up his lunchbox and work bag in one hand, he extended the other palm out.

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