Danger - navi child

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Life on the reef was beautiful and dangerous at the same time and with the arrival of a forest clan everything had changed for your clan and your life as well. You love change and had expected your role as teacher for the sully family as you were helping them learn the ways and everything else, but there were some problems between the two clans as adapting will take some time. Lessons were going well as your were making sure the sully kids were learning well, not staying safe.

Y/n " good morning neteyam and loak"

Loak " hey y/n we came here to see if you want to join us and our brother in fishing trip, along with your brothers as well"

Y/n " sure let me tell my father where we are going first we can't leave without, telling an audit where we are going"

Loak " sure we will meet you near the rocks" you had nodded your head and soon went to find your father, which didn't take long as him and some older metakayain were trying to help Jake and his warriors tame strimwings.

Y/n " baba"

Tonowari " yes my mother"

Y/n " I and my brothers along with the sully boys are going out hunting or hunting practicing"

Tonowair " that approved Jake will it be fine if your boys go out hunting" Jake soon and his way back to tonowair and you.

Jake " yes that is fine tonowair my sons are good hunters and trackers, maybe they had help out but learn something new as well"

Y/n " thank you" you soon called your Iiu and got on graceful.

Y/n " oh yes if you all want to tame and bond with the strimwing you most show them, you are worthy of riding them or they will keep finding way to buck off .. and find a comfortable diving position as well" you soon took off leaving the adults alone. You soon meet up with everyone else as everyone was getting ready for the hunt.

Ao'nung " well here we see it all a good place to hunt and away from dangerous creatures"

Loak " oh come on they can't be that bad"

Kiro " be nice loak"

Y/n " we have these spears and nets to help gather what we find, or we can use the nets to round up fish"

Loak " I rather use the spears" soon loak got off his Iiu and disappeared in the water, soon followed by everyone else.

Y/n " okay let not be my way let do the other way"everyone was swimming around and gather some hunt.

Y/n " I  think we have enough we can return home now"

Loak " oh come on what are you scared of some defenseless sea creatures"

Tsyerio " leave her alone there are some things to fear here" after fighting some more soon the group decided to leave and head home, you were near neteyam as the rest of the group was ahead.

Ao'nung " this a good caught we did well your forest boys are not bad hunters"

Loak " see us in the forest we will shock you bro"

Rotxo " since the morning these two been trying to one up each other"

Kiro " that the only thing they can do without using their minds" the group laughed all but Ao'nung and Loak, but the laughter soon came to an end when akula had jumped out of water scaring everyone.

Y/n " brothers ... guys" you soon saw some coming back to re surface coughing up water, and panicking.

Rotxo " everyone swim for he rock we will be safe there" soon the boys had taken off, all but loak and neteyam.

Neteyam " help I think Lo'ak hurt badly"

Y/n " here I will help you" as you and neteyem started swimming your had pushed them ahead, as wave of water had taken you out and under.

Y/n " where is is where is oh found it" you had found your spear, and the akula was coming towards you. In one big swig your had hit the creature hard making it and at you.

Y/n " oh crap" soon the aluka was about to kill your when something rushed it hard and fighting off the creature. It was a tulkun and one your knew so well payakan, the aluka was no longer moving but you soon felt something pushing your back to the surface.

Y/n " oh payakan thank you"

???" Sister" you soon looked up and saw your brothers, you soon smiled at waved at them. Payakan had picked them up as you all headed back home after the long dangerous hunt.

Loak " thank your of helping me with my arm"you had made arm brace from seaweed, of loak arms that was feeling broken.

Y/n " your welcome it seems like this hunt end bad" soon the group was heading back to the village you were making sure everyone was fully okay.

Tonowari " children"

Ao'nung " oh here comes father"

Neteyam " our dad is with him as well" soon tonowari and Jake had landed their strimwings and got onto the moving Tulkun, each father checking on their children.

Tonowari " what happened here"

Ao'nung " we were attacked by Alkua out hunting"

Jake " that why your Iiu returned without you kids are you all okay"

Lo'ak " well I think I twitched or broken my arm"

Jake " who did this"

Lo'ak " Y/n sir helped me and Lo'ak but soon had a wave take her out and went under water with the Akula" tonowari eyes widen as he rushed to his daughter checking to see if she was fully okay and not hurt.

Y/n " dad I'm okay I hit the creatures then payakan came to save us"

Jake " what is this creature"

Tonowair " a tulkun thank you payakan for keeping the kids safe ..ma daughter your spear" you had looked down at your speak to see a tooth of the creatures was caught on it, tonowari soon removed the tooth and looked at you.

Tonowari " this is your now my daughter you rightfully earned it"

Y/n " thank you father" tonowari smiled at your daughter know she would always think of the best for the other around her, soon the group had retuned home where the the day events had been shared with the mothers who soon become worried as well. The news of you defeating a Alkua had shocked everyone as you were so young but still had the warrior spirt that made your family and clan proud.

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