Where I belong - navi child

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As the daughter of the olo'eythan  Tonowari and tshaik ronal life was fun and wonderful as you had been given the right to be the next tshaik, of the clan which you are happy about but not always being the child if chief saved your from everything. You had faced what other kids might face bullying as you were completely different from everyone in your clan, even due you were an ocean navi you still had a different shade of skin as skin was blueish green. That was one of the fee things you had been teased along with having eyebrows and five fingers, and then you ability to clim tress unlike everyone else.

Y/n " a few more fruits and we will be good" you had climb to the branch of tall cannon ball fruit tree and melon fruit tree. You had bene asked by some gathers to get the fruit was the ones who were at lower level were either gone or not good for harvest yet. So now you are in the tree cut down some the fruits and having them fall into the basket.

Y/n " all done the rest will fall down soon" you soon made your way down but the ground making sure you were okay because last time you had slipped and saved yourself, but that result in sprained arm and a very worried ronal. You soon reach the group and picked up the basket and started making you way back to the village.

Y/n " almost home a few more steps and then I will be home"

Navi women " oh y/n you are finally back and with the fruit thank you so much"

Y/n " oh you are welcome I'm happy to help"

Navi women 2 " you are a major help young one"

Y/n " where do you wish for me to put down the basket of fruit"

Navi women " over there" you had nodded your head and soon place the basket down it was the right amour or fruit and everything.

Y/n " is there anything else you did help on that I can do"

Navi women 3 " no we are good" you had nodded your head and soon big goodbye to everyone you soon walked off from the whee the storage of food and materials had been place.

Y/n "......" you were taking back from all the work and were now hanging out in the water having a good time taking a well deserved break from al the work you had been doing today. All your family was off with the sully family helping them out  once you were cleared off and everything was good

Y/n " where could they all be"

???? " hey sister down here" you had heard aonung voice you soon looked down from the tree branch you were standing on, you soon made you way down to see among but he was not only he was with netyem.

Neteyam " be careful y/n tree branches can be slippy"

Y/n " I will be safe"

????? " daughter I see you"

Y/n " oh hey father" you soon looked down and saw your dad, Jake and tsutey on their strimwings. You felt like an idiot as the ombudsman clan members were looking at you as you were standing in a tree.

Tonowair " come down here and come help us" you had nodded your head you were brought to use the branch to clim down when you noticed there were none left, and the only way down was diving into the water below. You soon drive off the tree branch and soon drove into the water very gracefully and soon call your IIu.

Y/n " hello"

????? " that was amazing" you soon turned your head and saw you two remains brother and they had Lo'ak, spider, kiro and Tuk with them. All the omatacayia seem amazed about what you had done.

Lo'ak " that was amazing you have a perfect dive from that point"

Y/n " thank you"

Jake " I didn't know you metkayaina could climb trees"

Tonowiar " no we can't that much but my daughter can climb"

Spider " wow "

Neteyam " so that why you were not worried when she in the tree"

Aonung " this is not the first time I have seen her in a tree and I gave up trying to get her out of tree"

Neteyam " oh"

Rotxo " father why have you call us all here"

Tonowair " you kids are coming with us today now come before something else comes up and interrupt our plans" all the kids had nodded their heads and soon followed after their fathers with no fighting. The group was traveling for some time until they decided they reach their destination.

Rotxo " father what are we doing here"

Tonowari " father and kids outing don't worry we will be fine here nothing bad will happen"

Y/n " cool wait we didn't pack anything for the trip"

Tonowari " don't worry your mom have that covered now come"

Y/n " cool" you had taken your mat from your father and smiled at him soon enough the group had set up camp, the kids seemed to be happy about the whole situation of today events.

Spider " dad is there any other reasons you brought us here today"

Tsu'tey " no we were just talking and thought it will be a good idea as we have been busy lately with ours duties and RDA"

Rotxo " oh i thought you were going to share some bad news with us"

Tonowari " no nothing like that my son"

Jake " now who wants to go fishing" all the kids had nodded their heads and soon went fish for dinner and some fun as well.

Later that night

Neteyam " wow y/n you have good cooking skills"

Y/n " your welcome"

Lo'ak " hey y/n how do you deal with life here when you are not like everyone else"

Kiro " I wanted you ask you that as well we see you are like us but it seems like you are still an stranger"

Spider " if you don't want to answer we fully understand"

Y/n " I understand your question and I will answer it ... even due I don't look like anyone from my family or clan I know where I belong even due there are some who say I don't belong"

Kiro " so where do you belong"

Y/n " here on pandora it was my home the day I was born and will be my finally resting place the day I die, and if the great mother can see I belong here then I do belong here I don't need everyone approval anymore .... I will deal with the love I get and hate as well I just need to learn to deal with it"

Jake " you daughter is wise for her age"

Tonowari " yes even after we offered to help her deal with these situations she tells us she can handle it on her own"

Tsu'tey " I have seen you in the village helping around you are wonderful girl you make your family proud"

Y/n " thank you" later that night everyone had went to bed as you were still up sitting on rock looking out on the ocean, you thought you were alone until someone sat next to you it is your father.

Tonowari " hey I saw you were not in bed so I came looking for you"

Y/n " hey dad I just need to do some thinking dad"

Tonowari " listen no matter what anyone says you will always be my daughter and you belong with the clan"

Y/n " thank you dad"

Tonowari " now come on let's go to bed" you had nodded your head and went to bed that night, you were feeling better about everything that was happening and soon moved on from everything that was happening. You did know where you belong and it her on pandora with your family and everyone else.

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