My son (4)

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When spider had thought him and his mom will be starting a new life here everything will be good for them both, and there will be no problems that will come for them. He as dead wrong when his old friends had become his new neighbor he thought he will never see the sully family until they were older, but it seems like none of that was working for him. As now they were all back in his life it was now easy to see that things were never going to be the same between him and them. All their knowledge things between spider and his old friends didn't end well as he ended up suspended for actions that were not all his fault and soon him getting all the blame.

Tsireya " so they are your old friends"

Spider " yes they are my old friends from my old town"

Aonung " that bad dude so have you seen anyone else"

Spider " nope and know if they are here the rest of the clan is here"

Rotxo " well you don't have to worry dude we are here for you"

Spider " thank guys"

Rotxo " come on let's get to class" the group soon headed off to their first class of the day spider was hoping this day will be normal, but when they entered the classroom he noticed there tables were longer. He didn't pay that much attention to that as it was normal for the tables and changed to be changed once and while.

Teacher " good morning class"

Student " good morning"

Teacher " well I have some news as you all know by now a new clan has arrived here seeking aid, and while some of their youth will be attending school here and we will be welcome new peers into our classroom" this had gotten spider attention he soon looked up after the teacher had said that, everyone was wondering who the new kids will be.

Teacher " you all can come inside now" soon spider had a laid eyes on the three oldest sully kids and soon some other teens from the clan.

Teacher " welcome kids to your first class of the day I hope this will be a good day for you all"

The kids " ......."

Teacher " you all can find empty seats at the tables and sit there for the day and that might be your seats for the rest of the semester" the sulky kids and other had yet to noticed spider was in the classroom but as they soon started finding new seats, kiri had made eye contact with spider.

Kiri " spider you go here"

Spider " hey kiri"

Lo'ak " dude you attend this school that amazing"

Teacher " you children know spider"

Neteyam " yes ma'am we are old friends of his"

Teacher " then I advice you all to have a sit in the tables over by him and his friends" the sully kids had nodded their heads, kiri has sat next to spider she was so happy to have him back in her life. While Lo'ak sat with tsireya and neteyam was with aonung and Rotxo.

Teacher " now that everyone has found their seat we can get on with our lesson pleas get out your notebooks, and writing utensils and we can start the day" soon the class day had started and it seems like the sulky kids and their clan mates were very surprised on how smart spider was, as he had been able to answer most of the question and give his opinion when the teacher called on him.

Teacher " well that the end of day I will see you all tomorrow or later this week" the school bell soon rang and everyone was soon filling out of the classroom heading to their next classes at were different or similar to everyone else.

Aonung " I swear your so called friends we all acting weird when they saw you in class today"

Spider " yeah not everyone like me when I was back at home and now see them has me saying old bullies"

Rotox " don't worry spider we will help you deal with them no messes with our spider"

Tsireya " I think some od them might have a changed of heart but I won't have you making peace with them all, if you don't wish spider as we will never know or feel how it was like back then"

Spider " thank you reya"

????? " hey spider" the four teens soon saw the sully kids walking toward them and looked at them, the sully kids soon stopped in front of them.

Neteyam " it seems like we are going to classmates again"

Spider " yes so what your next class"

Kiri " here my classes it similar to my brothers" Kiri soon gave spider her class list and he looked it over, to see he had all his classes with them. He soon looked at them he knew he couldn't hide from them as he had all his periods with them even lunch as well.

Spider " well it looks like we will be having classes together all of us"

Loak " that wonderful dude we can caught up even more, and maybe you can show us around the school"

Spider " sure"

Tsireya " I will love to help you all around the schools as well, because we have the same classes together"

Loak " sure they will be amazing are you two guys in or do you have other classes"

Ao'nung " no we have the same classes as you all three as well, so it seems like we be seeing you three inside and outside of school"

Neteyam " cool it will be good to get to know spider new friends, and maybe we can all be friends as well"

Rotox " yes"

Spider " come on let's get going we don't want be late for classes as only have a short window, of time to get to each class" the group smile soon followed after spider it seems like this was going to be a very long and busy day for spider. He was hoping that his mother was fairing out better than him right now. He knew it was going to take a lot of strength to get through the day. When school was not challenging on him already it was getting even more challenging now.

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