Chapter 1, The Box

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You wake up, darkness filled the space around you. It was hot, you were sweating. You heard commotion around you, it sounded like some type of animal, you weren't sure what it was and you sure as hell didn't want to find out.

Since it was dark, you started feeling around. It felt like you were in a metal cage with holes in it. Not big holes, small ones.

Suddenly, the cage started moving. The sound of it rattling against the walls was so loud it startled you. Lights started flashing red and there were some white lights on the walls around.

You tried to sit on your knees since you were on your back. As you collected yourself, the cage started ascending at a faster pace. You almost fell to your side but you gripped onto the cage beneath you.

Your ears started popping and it felt somewhat painful. The speed climaxed again. You'd started screaming. You started to hyperventilate and tears filled your eyes. You had no idea where you were and absolutely no recollection of the life you had lived.

You started to scream. You couldn't handle all this commotion. You lay on your side and curled up into a ball. You covered your ears and tears were spilling out uncontrollably. Your eyes shut so tightly that your head started to ache.

Suddenly, the cage began to slow and everything stopped. You kept your eyes closed releasing the pressure a little bit. You realized that the animal in the cage with you was a pig. At least that's what it sounded like.

Suddenly you heard something opening.

"What the hell is that?" You asked yourself in your head.

You slowly opened your eyes. You realized 2 huge metal doors outside of the cage on top of you were opening.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now