Chapter 26, The Return (Newts POV)

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I hadn't slept all night. I couldn't believe y/n ran out like that? She's completely lost her mind. I was upset with her yet I didn't even know if she survived out there in that hellhole.

I wanted her back. I craved to hold her and kiss her. I wanted her to tell me everything was okay. I wanted to see her beautiful brown eyes again. Her hair, I wanted to feel her embrace.

Me and Chuck and sat the night by the walls. We didn't move once. Winston had joined us.

And what i found weird was the fact that Teresa had been touchy with me all night. She hadn't muttered one word about any of the people we lost. I felt she had a crush on me and I hated it.

Suddenly the doors let out a loud creek noise signaling they were opening. We all jumped up and waited to hopefully see our friends on the other side.

All the other gladers joined us as the doors opened completely. We waited for 10 seconds and saw nothing.

I looked at Chuck and a tear slid down my face,

"I told you Chuck, they're not coming." I said.

I began to walk away and suddenly Chuck yelled,

"THERE!" He pointed out to the maze.

I couldn't believe it. They made it. They made it! We all started yelling their names.

Your POV

I had a gash in the middle of my stomach and it hurt badly. But the walls had opened completely and all the gladers were yelling words of encouragement at us.

"Y/n." Minho said.

I looked at him.

"Go, go to him. Run." He smiled.

"But-" I started.

"No, it's okay, go." He smiled once more.

"We got him." Thomas said looking at Alby.

He was still unconscious. I smiled and started to run. My gash hurt like hell but I ran. I ran right into Newts arms. He hugged me tightly making me wince a little but I didn't care.

I crossed my legs around his torso. I started to cry, and he showered me with kisses.

"Don't you ever do that to me again love." He smiled putting me down.

"No promises." I said through tears.

He chuckled and wiped my tears. All the gladers greeted me. Thomas and Minho had gotten through and the Med-Jacks rushed Alby to the hut.

"Y/n!" Chuck yelled.

He ran to me and hugged me tightly. I tried to hug back but the pain was unbearable. I let out a painful groan.

"Y/n!" Chuck yelled as I collapsed to my knees.

"Shit!" Newt yelled.

"Yea she got scratched pretty badly, we need to take her to the hut. Now." Thomas said.

I began to cry as the pain was excruciating.

Newt picked me up bridal style and I let out a scream. I began to cry harder.

"I know it hurts love, but stay with me please." He said as he began to run like hell.

"NEWT!" I yelled.

"I know, I know. Breathe princess." He said calmly.

My eyes began to shut.

"Y/n! Stay with me!" Newt yelled.

His words drowned out as I began to drift away.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now