Chapter 24, Breaking a Rule

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I woke up. Memories of the night before flushed in and I started to smile a very cheeky smile. I realized I was in bed alone.

Newt had probably went to go do something rather important if he wasn't in bed. It was pretty early in the morning. None of the gladers were up yet and the sun wasn't even out yet.

Then the doorknob turned. Newt walked in and as soon as he saw me he gave a smirk.

"Morning beautiful." He said kissing me in the cheek.

"Morning Blondie, why were you out there?" I asked.

He paused for a moment. I couldn't see his face but I could already feel the energy of worry and tension present.

I got out of bed and walked up to him. I gently turned him to me. I put my hand on his cheek.

"Newt, what wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me,

"Alby went to go with Minho to run the maze today." He said, face full of sorrow.

"I- what? What about the other runners?"

"They all quit last night. After what happened to Ben-" he said. He looked down.

He continued,

"They didn't wanna end up like him."

I embraced him. I hugged him tightly. He hugged back and buried his face in my neck. He gave a shaky sigh. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, look at me," I said to him, letting him go, "Everything is gonna be okay. Alby is one of the strongest guys here. I assure you he'll be okay."

"Thank you my love, but please, don't make any promises you can't keep. I'm sure he'll be okay. I'm just worried." He said.

"I know." I hugged him once more.

We got ready for the day. Teresa was working in the gardens since that was her job. Thomas and Newt had out their differences aside and they had become really good friends. However, me and Teresa were a different problem.

I trusted her at first but she was a little too touchy towards Newt. I didn't address it since I thought she was just being friendly but deep down it bothered me.

The good thing was that Newt always found a way to get out of the situation when she was touchy. He in a way rejected her every-time.

"Well did he say anything? Why he was going?" Thomas asked.

I was checking his wound that he had received when Ben attacked him. Ben had dug his nails into Thomas's lower arm.

"Look Tommy, all I know is that the other runners quit because they didn't want- well you know. Honestly if you want more details I suggest you ask Alby yourself when he comes back." I said.

He nodded and thanked me. Thomas had become more close to our group. We were all like best friends. Meaning Me, Minho, Thomas, Newt, Chuck, and Teresa. Winston had also joined us at times so you could say he was apart of our group.

We always hung out. "Inseperale" is what Alby liked to label us as. We would always just smile proudly at the name.

It had suddenly begun to rain. From what I've heard it had never rained once in the glade. Everyone looked really confused. Some were worried. Everyone tried to reassure each other that the "creators" were probably just trying to test us more.

Nobody knew who put us here so we just called them "The Creators." As soon as the rain had stopped we all went back to work.

It was getting late and Alby and Minho should've been long a bit ago.

"Why aren't they back?" Chuck panted, "Do you think something happened! What if a griever got them?!" He panicked.

"Chuck, calm down alright. They're just a few minutes late. It doesn't have to mean anything bad." Winston reassured him.

Chuck just put his head down. To be honest I was a little worried too. Everyone was but nobody wanted to assume anything after the last incident.

Chuck walked away and waited by the walls. I went with him. Everyone else followed and it seemed like every other glader had the same idea. Soon we were all huddled at the walls entrance to the horror hidden on the other side of them.

"THERE THEY ARE LOOK!" Chuck yelled out and pointed.

"Something's wrong!" I yelled.

Minho was dragging what looked like Albys unconscious body. He was having a hard time.

"AAAAAAAAAAA!" Minho yelled.

"COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT!!!" Chuck yelled.

"YEA COME ON!" I yelled.

Everyone else joined in. You could hear nothing but screams of encouragement now.

Then, the doors let out a loud creak. It was signaling that doors would start closing. They started to move.

"MINHO! COME ON!" I yelled.

The doors were getting closer to each other. Suddenly, Thomas ran out the doors into the maze.

Newt tried to grab him but failed,

"THOMAS!" I yelled, "NO!"

Suddenly I panicked. I looked at Newt and he looked at me and his eyes widened,

"Y/N! DONT YOU DARE!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled.

Suddenly I ran out after Thomas. The walks were very tight together but I managed to make it to the other side. As I got through I fell to the floor. The last thing I heard was our fellow gladers screaming out names.

Would that be the last thing we ever heard from them?

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now