Chapter 6, Jobs

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You woke up, sat up and yawned. You felt energized. You looked around and realized that Newt wasn't in his bed. You heard some noise in the restroom and figured it was him.

You decided to get ready for the day and pulled out your 2 crates. You took out a toothbrush, toothpaste, perfume, a brush, a towel, white crew socks, lip gloss, and chapstick along with some clothes.

You decided you wanted to wear shorts and tank top. You took out a white-underwear set.

 You took out a white-underwear set

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                                       (Your outfit)

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(Your outfit)

Newt walked out of the restroom,

"Morning sleepyhead" he smiled.

"Morning blondie" you replied. "I'm gonna go shower and change."

"Sounds good, I'll meet you at the hall for breakfast."

You told him thank you and you got ready. It felt amazing to shower. You loved the feeling of being clean.

After you brushed your hair you clipped it into a bun. Your curls looked beautiful.

I walked out of the hut and went to the hall. I could hear all the voices of the gladers. I grabbed my breakfast from Frypan. Eggs,Bacon, and pancakes. It looked and smelled delicious.

I looked around and I saw most of the boys looking at me and whispering things to their friends. I didn't care if they were saying bad or good things. I wanted to focus on getting myself a job and doing my part like Newt said to me.

I saw Newt sitting at the table with Minho, Chuck, Thomas and Winston. I went to go sit with them. I sat in between Chuck and Newt.

"Morning!" They all said happily.

I gave them a "good morning" back and we all continued eating our food. The morning was filled with laughter and I loved every single part of it. I liked how everyone treated me with respect. Well, almost everyone.

You see, some boys couldn't wait to get in my pants. Meanwhile, other boys which was most just wanted to be polite. I loved that, I could tell I would have many friends.

When I finished eating my food, I put my plate in the sink that Frypan had.

"You ready to try out for some jobs y/n?" Newt asked me as we walked out of the hall.

"More ready than I'll ever be."

"Right then, I'm gonna try you out for the worst job you'll have to do today. That job is a Blood-Houser."

"What's a Blood-Houser?" I asked.

"You'll see" newt chuckled.

When we got to the first job it looked like a farm. But it had an eery look to it.

I turned to Newt again with a face of worry,

"Newt.. what's a Blood-Houser?"

He looked at me, "A Blood-Houser raises cattle but also this is where they slaughter the animals."

I let out a huge gasp.

"No, I'm not trying this one out. I can't kill an animal."

Newt looked at me with a comforting face but gave me an answer that I didn't want.

"Look y/n, nobody wants this job. It's definitely not what you would call an ideal job. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about your concern. Remember when I told you we all have to do our part? This is where it starts, trying out for jobs."

I looked at Newt with a pleading face once more.

"Look love, chances are you won't even have to kill one today. All you have to do is watch over the animals."

After 2 minutes I accepted my fate and did the job. After 30 minutes it was time to move on to the next job. Newt was right, I didn't have to kill an animal. That doesn't mean my experience as playing the role of a Blood-Houser was good.

Newt x Y/n, Part 1: The GladeWhere stories live. Discover now