Chapter V

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I woke up late and groaned, feeling my head pounding. I checked the time and sure enough, I overslept. It's already late.

I sat up and did the head rotation and rolled back my shoulders to relieve my muscles then stood up stretch. Feeling lazy to go eat and wake myself up, I take a plunge on the pool. Removing my shirt, I pulled the curtains aside and went out to the balcony. Looking over at Grey and Red's rooms, checking the light. I assume Grey's still asleep and Red has not come back to his room yet.

There's no one around, I hear music from a distance, probably the bar. I have this weird thing I like to do when I swim, I float with my face down. Smirking, I leaned to the direction of Grey's room and yelled "GREG HELP!!" And took a plunge, wondering if he had heard me but then again, I doubt he heard.

He's such a heavy sleeper. But him and Red knows me by now so he might not bat an eye seeing me face down on the pool, he could be disoriented from his sleep though which is what I hoped so he'll jump in and realize the water's not even deep.

I was deep in thought that I didn't realize how long I have been playing dead. See it's also a nice breathing exercise. I was about to turn so I can breathe when I felt arms around me, turning me over.

A hand cupped my cheek, and my gaze met a pair of eyes stricken with worry. It's the most expressive eyes I've seen.


I didn't hesitate to get in the water. I don't know how long he's fallen but it had been a while when I heard the splash.

I immediately turned him over as I reach him and cupped his cheek. "Ya! Are you drunk!?" I leaned to smell him but he didn't smell of alcohol. He blinks at our closeness but I was too worried to notice.

"Thank God you're ok. Ya, what- why?" I was at a lost for words. What do you say to a person who seemed to give up on their life?

"I won't say that no matter how hard it is that it's gonna be fine cause I don't know how my term of hardship differs from yours and I'm not sure if it's really going to be ok and that's alright. It doesn't have to be ok. But you shouldn't give up on yourself like that."

"Even if I'm a bad person?" He asks.

"Who isn't? everyone has a bad person within them, those who deny are hypocrites." He straightened up and I just realized that my feet is touching the floor and the water level is on my chest.

"Criminally bad." I gulped at the serious look on his face. He walks towards me and I step back.

"DUI. Do you still think I deserve to live?" he stares at me. "I will not condone the action, reprimand you even, but I'm sure you're already aware of how grave that is or you wouldn't be trying to take your life. Did you..."

"Hit someone?" He steps closer and I step back, the water is now rising on my neck. I forgot this pool area is slanted.

"what if I had?" He stares down at me and I stared back, searching his eyes and pursed my lips.

"You didn't." He was taken aback. "Stop thinking of things that didn't happen or almost happened. There's no point of beating yourself for it. What's important is what happened and what you can do about it presently and giving up on yourself is not an option cause that is you escaping your responsibility. If you did something wrong to someone else or to yourself, you face it." He takes another step and I took another step back in reflex, before my whole head could submerge under water, he pulled me back.

"I wasn't trying to kill myself, I was just floating." My brows connected. "who floats with their face down?"

"Me, apparently. Don't tell you haven't tried doing that?" He chuckles, getting out of the water.

"N-no.. ok maybe when I was a kid but still!" he held out a hand for me and I took it. He helped me up and I once again find myself flushed against him.

"314" I say as I let go of his hand, looking back at what I assume to be his room. "You're Charles Park aren't you?"

"I am." He smiles.

"I'm Skyler, but you can call me sky. If you need someone to talk to, just call the reception." he cocked a brow and then scans me from head to toe, nodding. "I see."

"Sky!!" I turned to see Lacey with a guy I have not seen yet.

"Lacey, are you in trouble?" I ask, eyeing the guy.

"Me? I should be the one asking you that, you're soaked in your uniform!"

"Ah, long story. Remember when we first met?" She winced, "I thought we already established that we met the day after" she whispers and I snorted, "Right, you get the picture... sort of." She nods and eyes Charles while I turned to her companion.

"You must be one of his friends?" the red head gave his friend a questioning gaze and nodded to me. "Yes, I'm Jared."

"Room 316. Got it. Do you mind keeping an eye on your friend?" He looks confused and was about to ask when a hand draped over my shoulder, "We need to change." His cute boba eyes widening and I get what he means. Of course he doesn't want his friend to know.

I leaned on his side to whisper "I wasn't going to tell him about your atte—"

"You're gonna catch a cold, you should change in my room. It's closer and it's my fault you're wet anyway." I wasn't able to argue as he pulls me with him to his room leaving a confused duo who looks like they're about to have another round of argument.

"I told you I wasn't trying to off myself so I would appreciate if you— what are you doing?" I stopped unbuttoning my shirt and looked up to him.

"Changing? But I don't have clothes here so I'm just peeling off my shirt so I can dry my torso, you know to avoid catching a cold like you said? You should wipe yourself too." I headed to the bathroom and got two towels and handed him one.

"I'll get you a new one later." I said, motioning to the towel in my hand.

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