Chapter X

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Ditto— I wanted to say, but held my tongue and kept quiet instead. I decided it's best to ignore him or who knows what predicament I'll find myself into. Him being cheeky can really be distracting and his good looks isn't helping either.

I tried my very best to keep myself busy, it's a chore not to look at him when he's burning holes on my face and when I had enough, I looked at him and said "You can talk you know?"

Cue the smile, and then full blown laughter. His laugh makes me want to smile and punch him at the same time. There's no in between.

"I thought you're giving me the silent treatment, and I didn't really want to disturb you." I rolled my eyes.

"Your stare is disturbing." I deadpan

"Why? Is it making you uncomfortable?" He raised one brow at me.

"Won't you be?" He shrugs, "I'm used to it." I always forget he's a celebrity.

"Right." He gave me a smile, turning his back on me and leaned back on the counter.

"I'm sorry for staring." I'm surprised at how genuine he sounded. Not knowing how to respond, I opened my mouth to say it's alright but I'm still contemplating if it really is. I have been told that staring is rude.

"But I mean no harm." He peeks at me. He can be cute.

"I'm just curious as to what's going on in your head, if you're thinking about our make out session like I do." And he can be so annoying. He laughs, that's how I know he's playing around as I scowl at him.

"But seriously, I can't help looking at you." He turns around, folding his elbow on the counter and leaning his head on his palm,"Has no one ever told you how pretty and handsome you are at the same time?"

"My mom did." It was my turn to act smug as he was the one who got flustered.

"Well, she's right. You should listen to your mother. If she told you to chase your dreams, she actually meant, Chase, your dream. Your dream is me." He points to himself, wiggling his brows and I busted out laughing

"Is that the story behind your stage name? Chase, everybody's dream boy." It's my turn to tease.

"You know, it doesn't sound that bad but when you're laughing like that..." I laughed  harder and he joins me.

"For the record, it's because it's close to my name and yes, because I'm chasing my dream." He says after our laughter died down.

"How about you, what's your dream? Is this it?"

"I don't really know. I honestly just chose this career path just so I don't stop my studies and get left behind from my peers." I confessed. Conversations became easy with him. We talked so much, unintentionally learning about one another.

When I had to go for my usual round to check for any drunken incident somewhere, he walked with me while we continued talking about random stuff. Taking turns in asking questions.

We have a lot of differences but we also have some things in common, like being scared of insects and frogs. A frog suddenly leaps in front of us, making us scream and run off to the opposite direction of where we're supposed to go. We looked at each other and laughed.

"That scared me!" I exclaimed.

"It definitely heard us and decided to tease us." I chuckled at his imagination. Nothing was out of the picture so I decided to go back to the front desk.

"Go ahead, I'll just get something." He leaves me halfway, jogging to his room.

"I'm not sure..." I eyed his guitar warily. I mentioned earlier that I was interested in learning musical instruments and that I had always found making music fascinating and now he came back to the main lobby with his guitar.

"It's not fragile. You won't break it unless you purposely smash it. Here, I'll teach you." He gets behind me and guided me on how to hold the guitar properly as I sit on a stool.

"It's late, we shouldn't be making noises." I reasoned.

"Oh? But it's the perfect time to make noises." He gave me a suggestive look and I scoffed, making him laugh. "The rooms are far off and I can even hear the faint sound from the bar. Now stop with the excuses."

"Since we don't have a phone, just follow my fingers for now." He drags another stool and sits next me, right arm resting on my back rest and the left on the guitar's neck as he shows me how to do the A major, the first chord he tells me that we're going to learn. Determined to make me know how to play the guitar, starting with the basics.

I looked at him as he patiently guides my fingers, mumbling instructions. I smiled seeing another side of him. It's nice to see him being passionate in his craft.

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