Chapter Twelve

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Benji was at the bar. Desperately wishing for his best friend to hurry her ass up and save him from this party. Though the Vodka Cherry Sour Husk had made only soothed his nerves a bit.

Benji had hardly noticed somebody sitting next to him.

"Tequila please Husky Baby."

Benji perked up at that sentence. Only one person in this entire Hotel called Husker "Husky Baby".

"Angel Dust right?"

Angel looked at the fly demon.

"Maybe. Whose askin'?"

"Benjiman Jones. Although Chloe has taken a liking to call me Benji."

"You know Chloe?"

"Yeah, she and I go way back."

"Tell me about it! I only met her when I started going here."

Angel looked toward his alcoholic beverage before smirking.

"What was she like before I met 'er?"

Benji started telling Angel some embarrassing stories about Chloe.

Chloe exited the elevator and glanced towards the party. It was surprisingly packed. She could tell Charlie was ecstatic about it too. The smile on her sweet face said enough.

"What are you waiting for?"

Chloe turned to see her shadow.

"I...I just haven't been to a party like this since the wedding. What if I mess something up?"

Chloe's shadow places a hand on its owner's shoulder.

"You won't mess up. Trust me."

Chloe nodded, straightened her back, and readjusted her green dress and pearl necklace.

"Thanks. I'm glad I have you."

"Same here, now go!"

She entered the lobby and was quite shocked by how it looked. Clearly, Charlie had Alastor help with redecorating.

The once empty sad lobby was now a lavish hotel ballroom adorned with sparkling chandeliers, cascading curtains, and sinners alike swaying to the rhythmic beats of a jazz band. It was like something out of a fairytale.

Among the elegantly dressed guests, Alastor, dressed in a fancier version of his normal suit stood at the edge of the dance floor. His piercing red eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint as he scanned the room.

"Ah, what a delightful soirée. Too bad these loathsome sinners will never be redeemed."

Alastor adjusted his crisp tuxedo and adjusted hair before he spots his wife, Chloe, a beautiful raccoon-demoness who was glaring at him from across the room. Her icy expression conveyed her intense dislike for Alastor, but he remains undeterred.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't my dear wife, Chloe." He said to himself.

Chloe notices Alastor's gaze and reluctantly makes her way toward him, her elegant dress flowing gracefully with each step. She is determined to maintain her composure, despite her disdain. It was impolite to cause a fight at Charlie's party.

"Alastor, what a pleasure to see you here." She told him through gritted teeth.

He leaned closer to her.

"Darling, I must say, you're positively radiant tonight. Shall we grace the dance floor with our presence like we did when we were alive?"

Chloe's eyes narrow, her patience wearing thin, but a touch of curiosity tugs at her as she reluctantly nods in agreement. They make their way to the dance floor, Alastor leading the way with an exaggerated flourish.

The jazz band shifts into a lively, upbeat tune, and Alastor takes Chloe into his arms, his movements smooth and confident. Despite her disdain for him, Chloe's body instinctively responds to the music as they twirl and glide across the floor.

Chloe fights to maintain her composure, but the charm and charisma of Alastor are hard to resist. Slowly, her stern facade begins to crack, replaced by a trace of reluctant enjoyment. They lock eyes momentarily, and a fleeting sense of connection passes between them.

That moment should have lasted forever. Alastor wanted it to last forever. Dancing with the love of his life until the end of time. But it couldn't last forever. Because somebody had to open their big mouth.

"Excuse me?"

The two both snapped out of the trance they were in to see a tiny demon who looked like an ink creature.

"I'm looking for the Music Demon?"

Chloe separated from Alastor and replied.

"I am she. Who might be asking?"

"My boss wants to talk to you."

She nodded and gestured for him to lead the way.

Alastor waited for a second before following.

"Boss, I found her!" The ink creature called out to a sinner who looked straight out of a 1920s cartoon.

"Very good. You are dismissed."

Chloe looked towards the man, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

"Excuse me, who are you and why was I summoned here?'

"Oh come on Chloe, you don't have any time for your dear friend?"

Her eyes lit up in realization.


Alastor heard his microphone make a record scratch noise.

"How fitting."

(A:N) Hey heres what Waltor looks like in Hell.

(A:N) Hey heres what Waltor looks like in Hell

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