Chapter Twenty-One

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Life had taken a slower pace since the infamous "freakout" incident Angel had dubbed it. However, even though things had slowed down, it remained far from easy.

Seated by the television, Chloe watched the replay of that chaotic episode, a cozy blanket enveloping her. Her ears hung low as she listened to Katie Killjoy discussing the ordeal.

"Who could have predicted that the Music Demon Chloe Bishop would lose control like that? How have her ratings been affected, Tom?"

Tom Trench displayed Chloe's music ratings on the screen, showcasing a steady increase.

"Her popularity has soared! The sinners adore her even more now! Just listen to what some random folks on the street have to say!"

A frog demon appeared on the television screen.

"I used to be drawn to her music solely because of her looks, but now that I've seen her let loose like that!? It just makes her more intriguing in my humble opinion."

Next, an opossum demon was interviewed.

"CHLOE BISHOP IS MY IDOL! The fact that she can unleash her emotions like that!"

Chloe felt her ears droop further and closed her eyes in sadness. Suddenly, she heard the television click off. Surprised, she opened her eyes to find her husband, Alastor, standing there.

Husband. It felt surreal to utter that word after years without it.

"Oh, Alastor," she sniffled, her voice trembling. "How are you doing? I was just..."

"Watching the news?" Alastor interjected with a soft, reassuring tone. Chloe's ears drooped even further.

"Yes," she admitted, clutching the blanket tighter around herself. "What brings you over here? I thought you despised being in the same room as a television."

Alastor settled down beside her.

"Oh, indeed I do, my dear," he replied. "I've always believed that news had no business being on video. People used to read it, and they still can. But, if you must know, your ears have a certain droopiness about them, and it's not the 'I'm Mad' kind. Trust me, I have seen that kind from you."

Chloe let out a small chuckle before turning to face him.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted when you arrived," she admitted. "I was really angry and upset about seeing you again. I'm glad you apologized."

Chloe's hellphone buzzed, prompting her to toss the blanket aside and pick it up.


Mother: Chloe, please.

Mother: You know I'll be at the Overlord Ball. I want to reconnect.

Chloe grimaced at the screen, her ears mirroring her annoyed expression by drooping.

"Uh oh," Alastor half-joked, "Looks like we've got the annoyed ears again. What's bothering you now?"

Chloe let out a sigh.

"My mother is going to the Overlord Ball," she confessed, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "She wants to reconnect."

Alastor locked eyes with his wife and couldn't help but display a perplexed expression, resembling the way a curious puppy might tilt its head.

"Your mother?" he inquired, genuine confusion lacing his voice. "I wasn't aware your mother held any overlord status."

Chloe's response was laced with irritation. "She isn't," she snapped. "But she has always been a lazy individual. She knows I have to attend the Ball, so instead of making any effort to reach out to me, she's essentially playing a waiting game, expecting me to come running to her beck and call."

As Chloe spoke, a blend of frustration and exasperation colored her words, her disdain for her mother's behavior evident in her tone. Alastor couldn't help but sympathize with his wife's predicament, understanding how much one could hate their parents. He could tell Chloe's mother wasn't a good person who of course was in Hell.

"You never did tell me the story of how you came to harbor such disdain for that woman," Alastor remarked, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "I do recall she was notably absent from our wedding in life, whereas you made sure there was a seat for your father's spirit to witness the event."

Chloe let out a sigh, her memories tinged with bitterness.

"It's quite a long and complicated tale," Chloe began, but her husband, ever the showman, interrupted with a flourish.

With a swift gesture, Alastor took her blanket and tossed it onto his lap, conjuring a bowl of popcorn as if preparing for a captivating performance. His crimson eyes sparkled with anticipation as he turned his full attention toward his wife.

"Oh, how I adore a good, long story, my dear!" he declared with enthusiasm. "Do go on, shed some light on this enigmatic woman."

Chloe couldn't help but smile at her husband's dramatic flair, settling in for the narrative she was about to unravel.

"Very well," she said, finding herself more comfortable as she prepared to delve into the past. "It all began in the year 1913..."

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