Chapter Fourteen

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(A/N: Haven't done chapter art in a bit but this one deserved it. Also, I'm planning on making all future chapters about 1000 words long! Thanks again for reading :))

Weeks had passed since Waltor's sudden arrival. Chloe was ecstatic! For decades, she had been pretty much alone. Sure, she had Charlie and Vaggie but the two of them had each other. She and Angel were friends but never hung out. And Benji was too busy worrying to hang out. Even in life, the only friend she ever had was Waltor. She always wondered why. One time when she asked him about it he explained it might have something to do with Alastor.

"People in this town know you as the widowed wife of a secret serial killer. They're probably scared of what you would be like."

"What I am like? Whatever do you mean?"

Waltor sighed.

"Well, I don't wanna speak ill of the dead but...Alastor was a pretty innocent guy on the outside. He was a radio host. And a funny one at that. You could imagine the town's surprise when it was revealed who he really was."

"Then, why are you friends with me, Walt?"

Waltor's sad smile turned into a slight frown.

"Ever had coffee from that café down the street? We should get some."

But none of the loneliness mattered now. She hated to admit it, but Chloe was kinda hoping Waltor would end up in Hell. It was unfortunate that after her own death, greed ended up fueling his life. Still, it's not as though he murdered anybody. If Charlie's hotel ended up succeeding, it would be easy to get him up there.

A knock on her door interrupted the train of thought she was on. The door creaked as she opened it

"Hey, Chloe! I was just wondering if you wanted to go to that coffee shop down the road?"

Chloe looked at Waltor and gave a sad smile.

"Sorry Waltor, I can't today. I have work in an hour."

"Oh come on Chloe. We haven't seen each other in literal decades and instead of hanging out, you want to work?"

"We saw each other this morning?"

It was true. They hung out this morning while they ate breakfast. Mostly talking about funny stories they both had after they died. They also had been hanging out since Waltor arrived at the hotel.

"Chloe, how long have you worked wherever you are working? I'm assuming decades at the least. But, it's fine. I get it. Back when we were alive, women were expected to not work. Now that you can, you want to more than be with your best friend."

Chloe felt sadder at his words. He was right. Why wouldn't he be? She hasn't seen him in a century and now she's skipping hanging out with him for some stupid shift at work?

"You're right Waltor. We can hang out. Coffee sounds perfect. Let me just call off at work."

Waltor smiled, sharp teeth cartoonishly shining.

"I'll meet you in the Lobby when you're done. Don't take so long!"

From the shadows, Alastor stood having heard the conversation play out.

"What awful manners this scum has. Thinking he deserves to be near her presence at all times."

You're one to talk, look at what you do all day every day.

His shadow sneered.

Alastor glared at it.

"That's not true! It isn't the same as what he's..." Alastor trailed off.

His shadow raised an eyebrow, asking him to continue.

"She stands up against me. That's different from how she is right now. I can guarantee that if I ask everybody else they would agree!"

Then go do that. Prove that you Almighty Alastor the Radio demon are correct.

Alastor snapped his fingers, teleporting into the lobby. With another snap, everybody besides Chloe and Waltor was teleported in front of him. Some more gracefully than others. Husk was not one of the lucky ones.

"What the FUCK was that for?!"

Alastor rolled his eyes, ignoring the cat demon's statement.

"Has anybody here noticed how different Chloe has been since that imbecile ink demon arrived?"

Everyone nodded.

"She has been more... compliant lately," Charlie spoke up.

"I agree," hummed Alastor. "I believe he has some malicious intent. I suggest, for Chloe's safety, we keep a closer eye on him."

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