Chapter Twenty-Six

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The group's collective gaze fixated on the spectral dissolution of Alastor into a pool of shadows, an otherworldly spectacle that cast an eerie pallor over the room. Although Alastor vanished from sight, the unmistakable ripple of energy signaled a profound shift in the party's tone—an abrupt departure from the ostentatious displays of overlord power.

Chloe, ensnared in the throes of her complete demon form, contorted with agony as her shadowy form bore the raw wounds that leaked a mesmerizing white luminescence onto the floor. Oblivious to the encroaching darkness and the once animated whispers falling into hushed silence, both Chloe and her mother were ensnared in the unfolding mystique.

A low whistle, reminiscent of a spectral melody, sliced through the stillness, severing it like a hot knife through butter. Chloe's mother, exhaling heavily, halted her struggle, captivated by the haunting sound.

"What is this?" she demanded, her eyes aflame with anger, casting an accusatory glare at Chloe. The latter, slowly morphing back to her original form, met her mother's gaze with a silent intensity, surveying the room as if each glance held the key to her next strategic move. The charged atmosphere lingered, pregnant with anticipation, as Chloe prepared for the enigmatic dance unfolding in the shadowed recesses of the room.

The ballroom's windows creaked open with a forceful gust, sending the once-elegant red curtains billowing into the night. A collective shiver raced through the onlookers as the chilling wind infiltrated the room, heightening the already palpable tension.

A soft, almost ethereal voice intertwined with the rustling wind whispered into Chloe's ears, punctuating the unsettling atmosphere. "Glad to see you back, my darling. Just say the word, and she will be ready for you to get revenge."

Chloe's eyes widened in shock at the familiar voice, her gaze drifting downward with a small, affectionate smile. "Alastor," she thought, the name resonating with a blend of gratitude and love.

Meanwhile, Chloe's mother, caught in the tumultuous scene, demanded answers with a venomous urgency. "Did you not hear me, child?! What is happening!?" she spat, frustration etched across her face as she grappled with the enigmatic events unfolding before her. The room, now charged with an unsettling energy, hung in suspense, awaiting the revelation of the mysterious forces at play.

The wind got harsher and rougher. Overlords and the like held onto furniture in an attempt to not get carried away. The blessed dagger flew out of Chloe’s mother’s hands. The heavy wind carried the dagger right into Chloe’s hand as Chloe’s mother watched.

Chloe held the blessed dagger in her hands. Her raccoon ears lowered as a glare hit her face once again.

“Stop the wind, my love,” She whispered softly as she looked at her shadow. The yellow smile of her lover widened as his glowing red eyes quickly appeared, only to fade away.

The wind slowed to a stop. Everyone watched as Chloe held the blessed dagger tighter as she made her way towards her mother.

Chloe's mother staggered backward, panic reflecting in her eyes as she tumbled onto her backside. Chloe loomed above her, the blessed dagger gripped tightly in her hand, poised for a strike that mirrored the weight of her emotions.

"Chloe, my darling daughter! Y-You don't need to do this!" her mother pleaded, desperation lacing her stuttered words. "Think about how your father would-"

Chloe, unyielding, pressed the blessed dagger against the rat demon's neck, mirroring the threatening stance her mother had assumed just moments before.

"I do need to do this. I am done living this life with you constantly trying to make fucking amends," Chloe's voice resonated with a mix of anguish and anger as she pressed the blessed dagger harder against her mother's neck.

"You could have been a great mother. You could have seen my marriage and been a part of my life. But you chose to be cruel."

"I was never cruel," her mother protested, the denial falling on ears deafened by years of pain and betrayal, as Chloe confronted the culmination of a lifetime of disappointment and hurt. The charged air hung heavy with the emotional tumult.

The dagger's blade began to radiate an ominous glow, matching the intensity of Chloe's green eyes as they transformed into an unsettling white hue, mirroring the blessed weapon clenched in her hands.

"I should kill you right here. Right where everyone can watch. I should be asking Alastor to broadcast this so that everyone in Hell can hear your screams," Chloe's voice dripped with a chilling resolve as the weight of her words hung in the charged air.

Alastor materialized beside Chloe, adding an extra layer of eerie presence to the already tense scene. "You will be begging for mercy. Asking those to forgive you. Asking Lucifer himself to forgive you for your sins. And when you look up from your inner turmoil," Alastor's words, delivered with a sinister demeanor, pierced through the room.

"You'll see me." The glow on the dagger against Chloe's mother's neck ceased as it smoothly relocated back into Chloe's grasp.

"You're right. I cannot kill you. As much as I want to see you dead, it will only grant you mercy," Chloe's tone shifted, her anger palpable as she seized both ends of the dagger, snapping the blessed metal like a twig.

"No. You're gonna suffer here in this shithole until you die at the hands of an exterminator." The finality in Chloe's declaration echoed through the room.

The blessed dagger slipped from Chloe's grasp, its descent onto the unforgiving marble floor punctuated by the shattering of broken pieces that echoed through the room like a mournful symphony.

A collective gasp swept through the onlookers, captivated and awestruck by Chloe's unfathomable display of power. Seizing the opportune moment, Chloe's mother seized her chance and fled the palace, disappearing into the shadows, a departure marked by an irreversible fracture.

"H-How did she do that?" Charlie's incredulous whisper hung in the air like a lingering question. "The dagger should have hurt her hand! I mean, the blade is so sharp! It cut her earlier!"

"Like I said before, Applepie," Lucifer interjected with a somber tone. "She was never supposed to be a sinner. An angel in disguise."

Lucifer's revelation was abruptly interrupted by a resonant thud. All eyes turned to witness Chloe, now sprawled on the floor, the aftermath of her extraordinary exertion evident in glowing white blood seeping from her wounds.

"I stand corrected," Lucifer admitted, his shock mirrored in the collective gaze of the onlookers.

Alastor swiftly crouched down to his love, a threat of a smile hovering on his lips. "My love…no, NO!" he screamed, cradling Chloe's limp body in his arms.

Charlie rushed to Chloe's side, sliding to a stop. Pressing her head to Chloe's chest, she let out a breath of relief. "She's breathing still. We have to go. She needs to be in bed," Charlie implored, addressing Alastor and the rest of the group.

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