Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

After the event went horribly wrong in Rome, all I could think about the show became a disaster with the audience booing at the performers and being chased by the angry mob. I felt bad for Santiago tho, I was expecting him to do something amazing but his stunts were basic standards. No flying trapezes, no tightropes tricks, nothing. Even I tried checking on Santiago if he's feeling better and all I get was a "Go Away" or "Leave me alone" message. That was rude.

I huffed at his attitude knowing it's has been bothering me to see him that stubborn. Goodness, is that how I acted before when I was living in the jungle?

I stood up from the crate I was sitting and walked towards Santiago's door knocking at the hardwood.

Santiago: "I told you to go away Y/n!"

Y/n: "Don't be selfish, I know you're still upset about what happened and I want to see of your feeling better."

Santiago: "Then what? Criticize me that I lost my temper and saying that my act was garbage?"

Y/n: "You know I would never say those kinds of things. Come on, I am not the type of person who judges you. I think you were amazing out there."

Santiago: "Yeah right." He scoffed refusing to let her in.

Y/n: *sigh* "Fine, be that way if you're going to act like a stubborn child. I'm just trying to make you feel better you know, as a friend?" You deadpanned in defeat, moving away from the door to leave. That is until I heard the door unlocked as it creak open revealing Santiago himself inviting me inside his bedroom and so I did.

His bedroom is not that bad compare to mine on the island. There were news articles taped on the wall talking about the circus being a smashing hit in all of the international countries. Pictures of him and his partner as rising circus stars and the best performers  as well. And there are also trophies and ribbons displayed on each of his shelves across from his dresser.

Y/n: "I never knew you and the others were really popular in all of Europe." I said, looking at the pictures on each newspapers.

Santiago: "Yeah, we were top of the world. Always entertaining visitors, making everyone laugh of our shows, and performing the greatest stunts to make them eyes popped out. It was our passion that brings enjoyment and talent together. Everyone loved us. But then, everything changed after the incident." He said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He sighed and placed his right hand on his forehead, rubbing the temple from exhaustion.

Y/n: "Incident? What incident?" I turn my head with a concern look on my face.

Santiago: "It's nothing. Trust me you don't want to hear it."

Y/n: "Santiago, I know something is bothering you because I can see it on your face. Don't hide it from me." I said, moving towards and sit next to him on his bed. He blushed a little of how close I was to him as he tried to look away from me while I continued to stare at him.

Santiago: "Do you have to sit next to me? You're in my personal space you know." He huffed being stubborn again.

Y/n: "Hey, what did I just say before? Stop acting like a stubborn child and tell me what's bothering you. I could see you've been staring at photos of you and that tiger, and I could tell if that makes you upset." I said, placing my hands on my hips like a mother about to scold her child. Seeing the look on his face changed into a sign of defeat.

Santiago: "Alright fine I'll tell you. Vitaly and I were the biggest stars. We were like a spectacular duo in all of Europe. I would always be with him supporting him, training with each other before every shows, and performs amazing tricks together. And Vitaly was known for jumping through hoops from variety of sizes. Small, medium, or large. It was physically impossible to imagine, but I was really impressed of his stunt." He sighed rubbing his face as he continued on the story. "He was a fearless partner I ever had, likes to take risks and always have the determination forming on his face. However, something changed him. Vitaly wanted his stunt to become the greatest by jumping through the smallest, flaming hoop. I thought it was impossible and dangerous to go through it but I blindly believed in him from his determination. So then I let him do it, he jumped through the flaming hoop burnt. I was horrified what I just witnessed, all of his fur wiped away into ashes from the extra olive oil he used was extremely flammable. After the incident, his fur grew back and isolated himself away from me. I tried reasoning him multiple times but he ignored me and pushed me away. And when I accidentally got close to him....he attacked me, left a scratch on my cheek. I was terrified why he did that to his own partner, was it my fault I let him do it or that I should of stopped him quick? Now, I feel like he hates me and we stopped being partners."

Listening to his story was very sad to hear, I can relate how he felt after the experience in the island. I couldn't bare the memories of that incident with Alex's animal instincts cause terror among his friends, the lemurs, and me. The way he looked at Marty like he was his dinner, the savage hunger in his eyes and the scary growl made my stomach turn. My attempt to calm him down and trying to bring him back to reality, but the feared in his eyes caused him to attack me leaving a huge claw marks on the right side of my body. I can still see the scars left there and it was visible to see from Santiago's perspective.

Santiago: "Those claw marks, did that lion attacked you before?" He questioned with a worried and sad look on his face.

Y/n: "Yes, but he didn't mean it literally it was an accident. He couldn't control his primal instincts which made him attacked me. He apologized and I forgive him, maybe Vitaly could do the same to you."

Santiago: "Him apologizing to me? Like I said, he's isolating himself away from me and won't talk to me. He's not that apologetic type of animal he is." He scoffed rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.

Y/n: "Maybe one day he'll understand. You used to be good friends, no best friends." I corrected myself. "I know that he can be rude and a pain in the butt, but I can see that the two of you still care for each other." I said with a small smile on my face.

Santiago blush pink of my words, it's pretty cute to see his reaction which made me giggle.

Santiago: "I guess you're right. Anyway, umm...since our show became the worst performance in Rome. I was thinking....I-If you and y-your friends us. Teach us how to become more successful for the circus. Please." He stuttered a bit staring at me with his pleading eyes. My eyes widen of how he's expressing himself begging me to help him make the circus. It sounds like a great idea, and maybe it can work. I sigh and give him another smile.

Y/n: "Alright then. We'll teach you everything." I accepted the offer, the look on Santiago's face shows that he is really happy of the deal.

Santiago: "Gracias Y/n, I'll tell the others and we can train tomorrow morning. But..thank you for everything."

Y/n: "Oh, well you're welcome Santiago. Anything for a friend of mine." I said, blushing pink.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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