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Raj Malhotra and Nyonika Malhotra Very cool parents of their childrens

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Raj Malhotra and Nyonika Malhotra
Very cool parents of their childrens. Though Manik is their only son but they consider all his friends as their children and love them equally. Raj is heir of Malhotra industries which comes under top 5 and is working very hard to bring it on no. 1. Best friend of Karan Murthy. Nyonika on the other hand owns a orphanage called Mannat orphanage with Pratha Murthy. Loves to do social work. She works as a accountant in Malhotra industries and half of her salary she donates to Mannat orphanage which she runs. Very cool mother treats every children equally. They both are waiting for their princess to come. Miss her alot. They don't know where she is except how she looks as Karan keeps them updated about her.

 They don't know where she is except how she looks as Karan keeps them updated about her

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Karan Murthy and Pratha Murthy.
Very cool and modern parents. Nobody can say they have one baby girl. Everyone knows they have one girl child but nobody has seen her except Malhotras and Murthys.
Loves their children equally. They both show that they are happy but deep inside they are very depressed. Trying very hard to get their baby girl back as soon as possible. He knows where she is how she is but not have told anyone about her except showing her pictures every week, he didn't even tell pratha about it because he is sure once she get to know about her baby girl she will run to get her back. Karan owns a Murthy Industries, and is best friend of Raj And Pratha with Nyonika runs Mannat  orphanage. She works as P.A of karan as well she is in Bollywood industries and is very popular. She donates half of her income to Mannat orphanage. She wants her baby girl to continue her passion. Best friend of Nyonika.

Manik Malhotra Studying BBA in Space and Music is his passion

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Manik Malhotra
Studying BBA in Space and Music is his passion. Every girl dies to get one look of him but as usual he is monster to everyone but that's not only the reason he has already given his heart to his star, and waiting for her patiently he is helping his Karan papa in getting his star back. After Karan he is the one who knows everything about his star and also how her family treats her. But he is waiting patiently to teach them a lesson. He doesn't give a fuck to any girl who throws herself on him. He has not even looked at any girl. He writes and sing song only for his star. When she was born he was the first one to hold her and has promised himself that no matter what he will protect her. Her monster will protect his star. Fab 5 is helping him in every way possible. He knows about Rishabh Sharma being in Space and he helps him without him getting it know because he didn't want to make it obvious for someone.

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Next part will also be of  characters.
I will try to put all the remaining characters and start the story as soon as possible.
And also I'm making some changes in Nandini's character please have a look.
And if you want any particular character please comment and tell I'll add those for sure according to my story.
And support me please 🥺🙏❤

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