How the turntables

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Shen Qingqiu was just resting on his bed when Luo BingHe came beside his chambers and was standing at the door.

Shen Qingqiu asked, "Do you want to talk about something? If so then come in."

Luo BingHe meekly came forward towards Shen Qingqiu and knelt down, "Asking Shizun to forgive this disciple's past ignorance."

Shen Qingqiu was surprised.

'What ignorance? Tell me more. I am also curious.'

Luo BingHe spoke woefully, "Previously I thought Shizun didn't care about me. Only after the trials did I realise how wrong I was. Xing-jie was right all along."

Shen Qingqiu thought, 'No no no. Your actual master went way beyond not caring. In fact he wanted you dead. What do you know?'

But outwardly he said none of it and said in a calm and soft tone, "It's better if you understand."

Luo BingHe looked at Shen Qingqiu with fire flowing in his eyes, "From now on, this discple will listen to whatever Shizun says. This disciple will do his best to serve Shizun."

Shen Qingqiu thought, 'I saved him once and he forgot all the torture and abuse? BingHe Ah BingHe, how am I gonna push you down the abyss then?'

Luo BingHe spoke, "Does Shizun have an appetite?"

Shen Qingqiu spoke, "Sure. What is it?"

Luo BingHe smiled, "This disciple prepared some porridge for Shizun, maybe Shizun will like it?"

Shen Qingqiu smiled, "Alright. Bring it then."

Luo BingHe stood and went pata pata on his feet to the kitchen and brought out a bowl of steaming hot porridge, "Here Shizun."

Shen Qingqiu raised his thin elegant eyebrows, "You prepared it beforehand."

The rest went on as Tian Xing predicted. She was listening vaguely by standing outside waiting for Luo BingHe to leave. She cheered inside.

Luo BingHe left the room and saw Tian Xing standing outside, he bowed, "Xing-jie."

Tian Xing held him up, "No bowing. How many times have I said it?"

Luo BingHe smiled sweetly, "How can I not bow to Xing-jie? You taught and helped me so much as well."

Tian Xing laughed, "Even so, I am just an ordinary lady."
"Your anything but ordinary."
"Hahaha, alright. I have something to discuss with Peak Master Shen."
"Alright. I wish Xing-jie a wonderful day."
"You too."

Tian Xing bid him goodbye and stepped inside, "How's your body?"

Shen Qingqiu sat up, "It's good. Don't worry."
"I think you are more worried than I am."

Shen Qingqiu groaned, "I have to throw him down the abyss. Otherwise he won't get his golden finger."

Tian Xing raised an eyebrow, "You don't really have to throw him down. You can just ask him to go down. He will do so."
"I am not joking. He definitely would listen to you. If you just tell him to go down because that's the only place where he can train as a half demon half human, he will go."

Shen Qingqiu raised an eyebrow, "But if he doesn't?"

Tian Xing smiled, "He will. There is no 'but' or 'if'. Trust your big sis. She knows better."

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