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There could be no doubt that the orcs and their wargs belonged to him - Azog the Defiler - who pursued them to incredible lengths. Especially when the Gundabad orc was hellbent on breaking the line of Durin; by the death of Thorin Oakenshield.

But as Balin had once said, "That the line of Durin would not be so easily broken."

To that statement, it held truth as it had then and now when Azog and his band of warg riders were greeted with a hurl of javelins. The auxiliary unit - albeit poorly equipped - was trained by the centurions to work using their Roman military indoctrination. In the short time since the legion departed the mountain, the newly created and formed auxiliary unit was trained strictly and with discipline.

In the end, it was to make it easy for both the auxiliary and the legionnaires to work well together; by using their Roman military standards and battle formations.

Frustrated at the men that continued to decimate the numbers of warg riders with him, he let anger fuel him.

With a loud roar as he ushered his warg to the nearest shield wall, he broke through them with ease as he let the heavy mace smash against shield and armor, while his large hungry warg tear through bone and flesh. The men screamed as other warg riders ate and slashed through the men.

Although resistance was offered, their efforts were not enough as their blood soon paid the price, and it was in this defining moment that Estelle jumped to her horse and made haste to save her men. Following just behind, Numerius was already on a horse and rode after her along with Thorin, Balin, and Bilbo.

Despite the whole legion being in square formations, separated by century - a group belonging to eighty men - it was difficult to let them simply be killed. Therefore, with vengeance in her eyes, she yelled to the others to break defensive formation and encircle the orcs that have punched a hole in a century's shield walls.

Reciprocating the same vigor as their commander, the legionnaires and auxiliary made haste to surround them, who have already begun butchering warg riders that attempted to escape when realization dawned on them. It's a good feeling when justice is served, and she will have it when she guts the orc that was mowing down soldiers after soldiers that were her own.

However, much to her dismay it seemed the orc and another that was the same size began to make their escape.

Refusing to give up the chase, she went after them as the legionnaires and auxiliary overwhelmed the enemies with their superior numbers and tactics. But due to the chaotic environment, Numerius lost sight of Estelle as he was frantically looking and searching for her.


Meanwhile, as the sounds of battle faded as she ushered her horse on, in her pursuit to chase the pale orc and an even larger or similar orc beside him - both orcs turned their large hounds - and launched at Estelle.

Driven by fury, Estelle felt no hesitance as she grip the sword in her hand - her hearing drowned like a waterfall - until her sword met steel. However, the horse did not fare well as the warg used its large claws and tore through the horse's guts. The horse neighs in pain until both hounds had a feast and the horse fell silent.

Bruised from the rough fall from her horse, Estelle grabbed her sword and with great effort stood back up.

Away from everyone else, it was just her against these orcs that rode on their large wolves, until Thorin appears with a sword in hand as he roared to battle. At his unsuspecting appearance, Thorin managed to kill the warg as swiftly as he came - making Bolg; son of Azog - forcing Bolg to continue the fight on his feet.

As Thorin handled Bolg in equal strength and swordplay, Estelle was barely managing Azog with the orc's mace as she dodged and jumped out of the way. Regardless, the fury still burnt brightly within her as she fought on with the giant pale orc.

But the will and emotion could only take the person so far.

Until she was slammed against the tree when Azog kept her focus on the mace, as he sneakily inserted a strong, and impactful punch to the chest. Knocked unconscious, Estelle could not defend herself from the approaching, and striding pale orc.

While Thorin tried to disengage from a fight with Bolg to save Estelle from certain death, Bolg made certain the human will die by keeping him from rescuing the commander of an army of men.

That was until Bilbo rushed from the side and began swinging at Azog who took certain steps back - watching - amused or rather annoyed by this little 'dwarf' as Bilbo came to Estelle's defense. But when Azog was content in watching Bilbo's pathetic way to deter him in his advance, the large pale orc towered over the hobbit as he push, and knocked Bilbo's sword from the little 'dwarf' tiny hands.

Though, just as Azog was about to let his mace fall to Bilbo - ultimately dealing a deadly blow - a man that had a look of vendetta pushed his horse as it knocked and ran over Azog through the ground.

Injured from the impact and shock from a horse, Azog took a brief second before he pulled himself back up, and it was then he ordered a retreat. From the distance, he could see a unit of cavalry making a fast approach toward, and after them.

If he could not kill Thorin at this time, he would not be content to die as yet, and so he ordered a retreat.

The remaining warg riders came to their side, as the cavalry fast approached, and without enough wargs - Bolg, made it enough - he killed an orc and took the warg as he and the others tucked tails and rode off.

Without a word, though the frantic actions performed by Numerius said enough, he dismounted his horse and ran towards the unconscious body that belonged to Estelle. Fortunately, just as he knelt to check up on the woman, she was already beginning to wake up as she began to stir.

Without a word, the relief that washed over him allowed him to relax the tense bones all across his body, and with that concluded their engagement yet again with the orcs.


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