I see you

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Lyle wainfleet had been been marked as traitor by his friends,scientists and anyone else he knew. The navi wanted him dead blaming him for the downfall of their spirt tree and none of the humans came to his defense. He was soon killed unjustified by some RDA person and later brought back form the dead a recom avatar. He ran when he got the chance and didn't look back, he kept running until he passed out from exhaustion.

Y/n " umm" you were walking along the shore line, when you spotted a male Navi passed out.

Y/n " oh dear" you had ran to his aid and dragged him away from the water, that when you got a closer look he was dream walker.

Y/n " don't worry I will get you help"

???? " sister"

Y/n " brother over here I need help I found someone" soon your call for help was answered y your brother, who came and helped your bring the man to your home.

Hours later

Lyle " ummm where I'm"

??? " oh good you are finally up" lyle soon looked toward where the voice was coming from, and saw a beautiful Navi female that was different then be seen before in his life.

Y/n " you are dream walker right from the sky people"

Lyle " umm yes"

Y/n " i found your watched up on the inland shore you has passed our, and badly hurt yourself as well"

Lyle " unm okay you"

Y/n " I sense trouble in you"

Lyle " you can say I was not like this many days ago, I was once human and got killed now Navi or avatar"

Y/n " it seems like you have been threw a many hardships"

Lyle " yes I have" soon Lyle stomach had grumble in hunger making him embarrassed, but you had laughed at him.

Y/n " here have some soup and fish they will help you" you had handed some food toward Lyle and he had taken it.

Lyle " thank you ma'am wait i don't know your name"

Y/n " I'm y/n a healer of this clan my brother tonowair is the chief here, I have talks to him and ronal the tshaik they will allow you to stay here"

Lyle " thank you y/n for all the help but I must keep running"

Y/n " you can't keep running from your trouble ... I don't know your name either"

Lyle " that name is Lyle"

Y/n " well you can't keep running from your troubles lyle say here and you will see, how the way of water can help you"

Lyle " well I have nothing else to lose so sure"

Y/n " good" lyle had leaned your were assigned as his mentor, when he will be leaning here it did take him a long time to be welcomed by the clan as he was one of sky people.

Y/n " you are getting good Lyle I'm proud of you"

Lyle " thank you"

Y/n " so I heard my brother has offered you a warrior position"

Lyle " yes you brother and other warriors are very impressed my fighting skills and seeing how I master the spear"

Y/n " that wonderful unm Lyle I saw you speaking with my brother i private, about a matter everyone saying you chosen a female to become your mate who may that be"

Lyle " well I was asking your brother permission if I can become your mate"

Y/n " my mate"

Lyle " it common in my clan ways to ask relatives approval to mate or marry a women they love"

Y/n " you wish to be with me out of all the other wonderful women here you want me" Lyle soon place his hand on your right check and smiled at you.

Lyle " I had fallen in love with you the day I open my eyes, and when you started helping me around here and allowing me to stay with you... you showed me kindness in way many females didn't show me"

Y/n " ......."

Lyle " if you wish to have me that will make me happy but if you love someone else, I will fully accept and respect that"

Y/n " I see you lyle and I love you and I don't care what negative things other have to say" lyle soon smiled and kissed you after months of courting, you two were soon mated. Soon your family of two will grow as you were told you are with child, this new will make your family and clan happy.

Lyle " I can't wait to meet our child"

Y/n " I hope the baby is like you my husband"

Lyle " I hope our child is like you my love" you smiled and soon kissed lyle as he held,you close to him he was happy with his new life and nothing can take this away from him.

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