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My heavy breath. The snaps of the twigs under my feet. The violent thwack of the bushes and trees against my skin. My legs ached for me to stop and sit but I kept running. My chest burned from the lack of breath but I kept running. I have to keep running. I need to keep running. Because if I stopped he would catch me. He would bring me back to my own personal hell. I couldn't take it. I waited for him to change his heart and realize she was his daughter, his baby girl, but he never did. I waited for my mom to save me, to protect her daughter, her baby girl, but she never did. She was either passed out on the kitchen table or stared at him while he did those horrible things to her and walk away. I used to shout her name thinking that maybe she would finally be my savior but after I turned 7 I found it useless. I planned for 4 months my escape. I found my opportunity and took it.
     That's what brings me here, running like my life depends on it because it does. Running seemed to be the only thing I was ever good at. That and basketball but I was never allowed to do these things because it made me happy and my dad hated seeing me happy for whatever reason. I finally got to a point in my journey where I couldn't run so I stumbled over my feet and landed hard on my knees. I looked up trying to focus again because I was seeing black spots and the last thing I see was a sign: Welcome to Mystic Falls Virginia, then everything got dark.

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