Sorry, damn

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The first thing Ashanti see when she awakes are blue eyes staring. She jerked her head up and instantly went into defence mode. Jumping out of a bed she was laying in she quickly asses her surroundings and head for the exit. Wind whips her hair as soon as her hands touch the brass door knob and there he is, staring once again but with amusement clear in his now greyish blue eyes. She yelped and backed away as he takes slow and steady steps towards her. He wiggles his fingers at her with a smirk. She runs over to the bedside table and yanked the lamp from the outlet, ready to defend herself if needed.

"Relax, no one wants to hurt you, princess." The man said rolling his eyes as he finally stopped walking toward her but she didn't relax, just held on tighter to the lamp.

"Who the hell are you?" She questioned

"Sharp tongue you got there, princess. But if you must know I am Damon Salvatore. What's your name kid?" He said with another smirk which would irritate her and make her wanna slap it off but she was lost in her head. Damon Salvatore. She heard about him from her nana's book. Her Nana, Thalia Banks was called crazy by all of her family because she believed in the supernatural. Sometimes her father and mother would drop her off there at random times for who know how long. It would be the only times Ashanti was truly happy. Ashanti idolizes her Nana so she believed her through and through. Damon Salvatore was in a book her Nana forced her to take when Ashanti told her about running away. It was basically her supernatural guide in the world. Damon has been a vampire since 1864 along with his brother Stefan Salvatore who were both turned by Katherine Pierce or Katerina Pertrova. He was said to be reckless, sarcastic, uncaring, selfish, and heartless but she doesn't believe he's that bad.

Ashanti stares at him in complete silence. Damon sighs, heavily annoyed with her lack of answer.

"Your name?" He asks again this time more rough and demanding. Ashanti's changed in a second

'Who the fuck he think he talking to? He is not my damn daddy!" She huffed but decided to keep her smart mouth comments to herself before she got herself killed.

"My name is Ashanti. Now that we went around the circle and everything can you tell me why I'm here and where exactly here is." At this point she just wanted answers because she don't know nobody here and she didn't want to have the chance to be taken away because she was only 14 with no parents. Damon simply smiled at her attitude. Holding up one finger saying give him a moment he walked out the room, closing it shut behind him.

Ashanti started to walk around the room getting to know her surroundings where she won't be surprised by something unusual later. She approached a desk and set down the lamp. Opening up drawers and looking through papers she finds a brown leather book. Picking it up she skimmed the pages coming across dates going back a hundred years ago. 'I will never doubt Nana again.' As she reads traditions and such from the year 1800's. In the end Ashanti concludes this to be the infamous 'Ripper of Monterey' Stefan Salvatore based on the pictures, peaceful type decor, and the way Damon was addressed as 'brother' in the diary she was reading. By the time she got done snooping the door opened again making her whip her head around to see who it was. Damon, a guy with brown hair, and a girl. As they filed into the room she grabbed her lamp again quickly. The amount of people in the room made her anxiety go up. The guy with brown hair walked towards me slowly with his hands in front

"Hey, don't be scared none of us are going to hurt you. I'm Stefan, that's Damon, and that's Elena. We just wanna figure some things out before we let you go" He said softly as he points to every person he introduces. His greens eyes held a sense of comfort and warmth. The type of warmth only a father can give you. She shook those thoughts out of her head. She just met this guy's she doesn't even know if she can trust him yet. Even though she hated her dad some things he said to say to kind stuck involuntarily.


"Don't show people your points of weakness, even if you truly are weak you don't want just anyone to know. Now get up." He said. Ashanti slowly rose from the concrete floor of the basement she lived in. Gently wiping her nose she noticed thick blood all over her red striped shirt. Her father walked over to her and gripped her hair. Ashanti let out a strangled cry of pain as he dragged her to the bathroom.

"Time for some fun" He said unbuckling his belt. Ashanti started to sob softly, knowing what's next.

End of flashback

When Ashanti finally comes back to her senses she sees a hand waving in her face. Out of reflex she grabbed the arm and jerkes it toward her. Using her body weight she flipped the person over onto the floor, getting into fighting position.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Damon screamed as he got up from his position on the floor. He stared at her waiting for her to apologize.

"Sorry, damn. Not my fault you like putting hands in people's faces." She raised her hands up in defence. Stefan cleared his throat getting the pair's attention away from what just happened.

"Okay what your name?"

"Ashanti Banks." She said hesitantly

"That's a pretty name. How old are you?"

"Thanks and I'm 14."

"Last question. Where are your parents?"

...damn it

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