I promise I won't miss you

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Damon looks up at Klaus, glaring a bit after seeing how close Ashanti and Klaus were sitting. Klaus smirked at Damon but knew that he wouldn't hurt her, he felt an indescribable pull towards her even if they barely held conversation. Damon stood up and gently pulled Ashanti up with him. She looked at him confused before he leaned in her ear.

"Go over to the pool table or something away from here. The grown ups are talking." He whispered. Ashanti rolled her eyes at his words but grabbed her bag and walked over to the pool table. Damo watched her walk away and made sure she wasn't close enough to hear their conversation before turning back to Klaus.

"Now what are you doing here?" Damon asked Klaus only smirked at him.

"I was told that you and your brother fancy my doppelganger. I just wanted to be sure that the two of you don't do anything stupid." he said. Damon chuckled nervously before squinting slightly at Klaus.

"You don't think we can postpone the sacrifice till next month?" Ashanti walked over to the table grabbing her Sprite and sipping it gently while looking at Damon with an amused glint in her eyes. She placed the white foam cup on the table and crossed her arms.

"Really Damon? Do you know how long he has been pining on breaking this sacrifice and you're asking him to wait until next month? I truly didn't know you could get any dumber." She said, shaking her head. Klaus smiled at her genuinely before looking back at Damon.

"Let's get something clear. I have my wolf, I have my vampire, and I have my witch. I would suggest simply going along before you end up dead." Klaus then walked out the door of the Grill. The trio watched him walk away before Ashanti turned towards Damon and smacked him upside his head. Damon winced before whipping his head towards her with a glare.

"What was that for?!"

"You being a dummy! Sometimes it seems like you want to die because all you ever do is screw something up that could cost you and other's lives and by the look on your face you're planning to do something stupid, aren't you?" she sighed as Damon looked away for a second before looking at her again.

"It's Elena, Ashanti." He said like it was a valuable reason. Ashanti scoffed with tears in her eyes.

"It's always about Elena! What about me? If you and Stefan keep doing stupid stuff that will get you killed, what am I going to do? This is why I don't let people in, Damon, because they either break me or they leave me. You're doing both." Ashanti glared fiercely at him before grabbing her purse and leaving. Damon cursed himself as he watched you walk away. Alaric shakes his head gently before patting Damon's shoulder, turning back to the bar and sipping the dark liquid in his glass.


Ashanti was laying on her bed with her book before hearing a car in the driveway. She glanced toward the window and sighed before going downstairs. When she reached the front door she cracked it gently, seeing Klaus, Elena, and Stefan. She opened the door wider to lean against the door frame, observing the scene in front of her. Klaus glanced in her direction and smiled at her. Ashanti waved a little, smiling back. Elena leans towards Stefan and gently kisses his lips making Ashanti turn her head gagging at the sight. Klaus chuckled at the dark-skinned girl's reaction. They pull away from the kiss before Elena glances towards Ashanti gesturing for her to come towards them. Ashanti just stared blankly at her before Stefan gave her a look, making her sigh as she slowly went down the steps before standing by Stefan. Elena smiled at her before going to touch her cheek. Ashanti dodged her head quickly before looking at Elena like she's crazy. Elena put her hand down, her smile never faltering.

"I know you're gonna miss me when I'm gone but don't worry because I'll always be there for you, in your heart." Ashanti's nose scrunches up gently as she looks at Elena like the girl was mentally ill, which Ashanti actually believed she was. Why would Elena think she'll miss her, she doesn't even like her. She made that very clear with all the fake smiles and hidden glares she sends her way when she thinks Ashanti is looking or paying attention. Elena opens her arms for a hug and Ashanti stares blankly at her. Stefan gently nudges Ashanti towards Elena. Ashanti grimaces but leans into the brunette's arms. Elena smiles before she drops it quickly once she sees Stefan turn away. Elena gripped harder onto Ashanti making her groan in pain. Elena isn't that strong, like at all but Ashanti has a lot of cuts and bruises from her life before that always hurt with enough pressure. Elene leaned closer to Ashanti's ear making her feel her hot breath on the side of her neck. Ashanti scrunched her nose up on how close the brunette was.

"You better not try and take Damon and Stefan away from me. They're mine and even if I'm dead I will know." Elena said menacingly. Ashanti gulped as flashbacks clouded her mind and her breathing getting heavier but Elena only smirked and pulled away from the hug and Stefan was too focused on Elena to notice her panic attack, but Klaus looked in concern. He sped over to Ashanti who was holding her chest. Stefan pulled Elena closer thinking he went over for her but noticed him by Ashanti. Klaus grabbed Ashanti by the shoulder which made her flinch as the flashback hit her harder by the simple touch.

"Ashanti love, look at me." Ashanti glanced up at him staring into his blue eyes. "Very good love. Now what are 5 things you see?" Ashanti looked around her for a second, taking a deep breath and responding.

"Y-Your eyes, St-Stefan's car, the boarding house, my p-pants, and Stefan."

"Good. Now what are 4 things you can touch?"

"Your jacket, the p-pavement, your hands, and the gr-grass."

"3 things you can hear?" Klaus could hear Ashanti's heartbeat start to slow down to its regular pace, making him smile softly.

"Your voice, my heart, and the wind blowing through the trees." Ashanti felt like she was able to breathe again but not all the way.

"You're doing great, Ashanti. 2 things you can smell."

"Your cologne and my perfume." Ashanti's breath evened out gently as she felt like she could finally breathe properly. Klaus smiled at her not noticing Stefan staring at him in awe and admiration before he snapped out of it and looked back towards Elena, kissing her head and holding her tight.

Klaus's voice died down to a gentle whisper, "One thing you can taste?" Ashanti smiled softly.

"My strawberry chapstick." Ashanti was now fully calm before she suddenly wrapped her arms around Klaus's neck. Klaus was stuck in shock since he hasn't had anyone hug him like that in a long time. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, the two of them forgetting the couple standing behind them with surprised expressions on their faces. After a minute Klaus helped Ashanti off the floor before holding his hand out for Elena. She sighed and walked over to him, glaring at Ashanti which did not go unnoticed by the soon-to-be hybrid as he narrowed his eyes at her, making Elena turn her head away quickly.


Ashanti sat by a podium with her legs pulled close to her chest in the middle of the woods where Klaus told her to stay until he gets back with the rest of his sacrifices. Ashanti's head shot up when she heard a twig snap, seeing a woman with olive brown skin and long curly hair. She cautiously stood up, dragging a large branch closer to her with her foot discreetly. The woman smiled at her.

"You must be Ashanti. Klaus told me about you." Greta smiled. Ashanti smirked a bit.

"All good things I hope." Greta sucked in a breath dramatically making Ashanti laugh, "That mean old hybrid and to think we were starting a friendship." she sighed jokingly. Greta laughed at her joke before she raised her hand making Ashanti look confused stepping back a bit. Greta noticed her cautious posture and gave Ashanti a reassuring smile before she pulled her hand into her chest causing a figure to fall forward onto the empty dirt area. Ashanti squinted slightly at the figure since the only light was the full moon. It was Derek. Derek was a guy she met her first week in Mystic Falls. He tried to hurt her before Damon swooped in to save her and that was how Damon and Ashanti finally became friends.

Author's Note

Sorry about the long wait I was super busy but if you like this please vote and comment!

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