I was hungry dont judge

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It's been about 2 week since Ashanti met the Salvatore siblings and Elena. Damon and Stefan allowed her to stay at the boarding house but even if she was beginning to get comfortable with them she still wouldn't tell them about her parents. At this moment Ashanti was in the kitchen making lunch when she heard the door open. After cooking the last of the meat and turning off the stove top, she peeked her head around the corner to see who it was. She rolled her eyes when she saw Elena but she brighten instantly when Bonnie trails right behind her. She quickly runs to her and tackles her in a hug. Bonnie stumbled a bit but caught her and hugged back just as tight.

"Hey, how was school?" Ashanti pulled back with a smile asking.

"Not great. That's why we're here." Bonnie gestured to her and Elena who Ashanti just remembered was there she glanced at Elena who smiled. It was fake Ashanti knew that instantly. Years of having to put up a front taught her to study others facial expressions so they'll have an impossible time trying to study hers.

Thumps of shoes can be heard as she sees Stefan and Damon come down the stairs. Stefan saw Ashanti and went over to her kissing her hair before looking at his girlfriend who looked jealous. Ashanti and Stefan grew really close in a very short span. They can't explain it they just..clicked.

"Whats going on?" Stefan asked back in his serious mode seeing Elena's distraught expression.

"Klaus. He was there at the school and said he'd be at the dance." Her face paled at the thought of Klaus. Stefan went to comfort her while Ashanti stood shocked. Niklaus Mikaelson. Another important name in the book her Nana gave her. He was said to be a bastard child born to become a werewolf but his choices of living naturally snatched away by his mother and father. Turning him to a vampire and almost a hybrid after his first kill but his mother locked his wolf side away. Ashanti felt like she could connect to his pain and suffering. He was broken and beaten just like her.

Ashanti tuned back into the conversation when Alaric walked through the door. Ashanti noticed something about Alaric. The air around him seems to have shifted. He seemed more powerful, confident, and cocky. Klaus, who was currently in Alaric's body, felt eyes on him so he looked in the direction. A girl no older then 14 stared at him with her elbows on her knees and her right hand holding her head. She looked right back at him squinting slightly when that suspicious feeling resurfaced. They stared at each other for a little while longer before Damon called for Alaric, well Klaus's attention. Ashanti left the room not finding any reason to stick around for something she ain't apart of. She entered the kitchen and made her plate.
The food:

She grabbed her sauce and went back into the living room

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She grabbed her sauce and went back into the living room. As she sat on the couch she noticed the sudden quietness. She slowly lifted her head up from her plate and saw everyone look at her.


"Did you cook all that just for you?" Damon asked

"Y'all ain't have no food in the house so I went to the story, bought some with Damon's credit card, and cooked. I was hungry, don't judge." She shrugged and went back to eating.

"Why did you have to use mine?!" Damon exclaimed as he looked at her plate.

"Stefan didn't eat my Goldfish this morning and tried to blame it on a dog that we don't own." She grinned and winked before grabbing her second Philly Cheese Taco and beginning to eat it. Bonnie giggled softly, Alaric-Klaus smiled her comment, while Elena looked annoyed. How can this little girl cook better than her?

"There's no need to lie, Ashanti. You can't cook such a big meal for someone so young. You must've bought the food before we got here." Elena scoffed. Ashanti looked at her with a face that screamed 'really bitch'

"Just because I can cook and you can't doesn't mean you can disrespect my food." Ashanti scoffed before going upstairs and slamming her door.

"No slamming doors in the house!" Elena yelled like she was scolding her

Ashanti opened the door slightly and said "You ain't my mama so you need to calm down and quit thinking you are." She then slammed the door again just to spite her. Ashanti sat at her desk turning on her show and eating st her desk, angrily shoving the Taco into her mouth muttering stuff like 'Who does she think is' and 'she need to chill acting like she somebody special'

Author's Note
I got bored and just stared writing I think this is kinda cringe but I don't care. Hope you enjoyed 😉

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