Let me sleep

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Sunlight beams through the big glass windows in Ashanti's bedroom but she couldn't be bothered. She was always told by the Salvatore brothers that she was a heavy sleeper and could sleep through a tornado but that's not true, if something was going down best believe she was up and gone. Stefan opens the door slightly to peak in only to find a sleeping girl. He smiled despite the rough night and walk over to her and sat beside her starfish position on the bed.
"Ashanti wake up." He began to gently shake her. She stirred slightly but stayed asleep. Stefan shook his head knowing his gentle methods won't work so did the only thing he believes would wake her up. He pushed her off the bed. Hard. A loud groan was heard from the other side of the bed. Stefan winced knowing that as soon as she officially woke up he was a goner. Stefan began to tiptoe out of the room before vamp speeding off.

Ashanti began to mumble curse words under her breath as she rubbed her head with a scowl upon her lips. She swung open the door of her bedroom into the hallway and stomped her way downstairs. Stefan and Damon jumped at the sight of the fuming girl. She stood in front of the both of them.

"I'm gonna ask one time and one time only, who woke me up?" Damon instantly pointed his finger at Stefan who stared at him with a eyes of disbelief and betrayal.

"Sorry brother but she's terrifying in the morning." He patted his shoulder and slide carefully away from Ashanti who was still furious. Stefen slowly turned his head towards her and made eye contact. He smiled nervously at her.

"Im sorry okay, but you needed to get up because the others are going to be here to talk about something that happened last night." Ashanti rolled her eyes but understood. She began to calm down and Stefen let out breath he didnt know he was holding.

"Fine, but don't do it again or you'll be staring at your own heart." She threatened before going back upstairs.

After about 45 mintues of getting ready she was finally dressed and slid on her black Nike slides before going  downstairs. She looked around and saw everyone there, except Elena and Bonnie. But Ashanti was no where near worried about Elena bougie ass.

"Where's Bon-Bon?" Damon looked over at her and informed her that she was taking refuge in the witch house because Klaus believed she was dead. She nodded slightly, sad she couldn't see her bestfriend, but brightend up a bit when she saw Caroline. She walked over to her and hugged her around her waist. Caroline smiled and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

Stefan informs them that Elena had undaggered Elijah and they didn't know where her location was. He also told them that Klaus was probably going to aim for Jenna seeing as she was Elena's family, so he leaves to make sure that she is a safe. Ashanti loves Jenna so much. Jenna has become like an aunt to her just by doing the simple things like hanging out with her and just talking so Ashanti is beyond grateful Stefan went to look after her. About an hour later of Ashanti just laying on her bed she hears a door slam open and close. She rushed downstairs with a crossbow Alaric gave her and peeked out from the corner to the front door where Jenna stands terrified. She quickly dropped it and kicked behind a small table close by and jogged over to her. Jenna heard soft pattering feet and looked over seeing Ashanti. Ashanti made her way over to her and hugged her tightly, already having some clue what she was so shaken over.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." She whispered gently. Jenna pulled away slightly, betrayal clear in her eyes.

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me?" Ashanti sighed softly.

"Nobody would let me. That's why I haven't been over or made any contact with you lately, because they told me it for your own safety but I knew that wasn't right." She knows what happens when someone in the middle of a supernatural war is in the dark. They usually end up dead. Jenna nods in understanding and begins to hug Ashanti again. They finally pulled away when Stefan opens the door and walks into the house. Ashanti sees the distressed look on his face."What happened? Are you okay?" Stefan smiled at her and nodded his head before checking on Jenna who simply walked over to the living room and sat on the couch quietly. Stefan sighed.

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