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(Author's note: please feel free to fix any mistakes I make in this story, it's based off of my memory so I might forget something, sorry)

This is just about y/n (you, the reader) in the story and some background info


Y/n - the eldest of the Diaz siblings. She graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, she doesn't have a job per say but - like her brother - her friends pay her to fix stuff for them, wether it be cars, computers, or even air conditioners, she can fix it all. She mostly spends her time taking care of her younger siblings and going around fixing things for her friends. In her spare time, or whenever she can, she studies up on things that are called, Transformers, Autobots, and Maximals. Even though she doesn't believe that they are real, she still in fascinated by them.

She had also went into the army with her little brother, Noah. When she got into the army, y/n and her new army buddies got a tattoo to celebrate y/n's new army life. It was of a skull with a sword slanting through it, and it is on her left shoulder. Though, y/n was, and still is, more skilled and stealthier than her brother, she was never promoted due to the fact that the elders of the district think that a woman could never be a sergeant, (ass hats) she's lucky that they even let her out in the field. From the battles she has been in, and fights outside of the army, y/n has a bunch of scars all over her body. Lots on her back and stomach, some on her legs, one on the side of her neck that slants to the bottom-mid-section on her neck (if that makes since), and finally two on her face, one on her right cheek that is slanted from her ear to the end of her cheek (so right before where the chin is), and the other on her left eye, that is vertical, starting from above her eyebrow and ends on her under eye (where ur eye bags would be).

Due to her little brother, Kris's condition and Noah's recklessness, y/n had studied/read about it online of nursing and first aid, so she has become very skilled in patching people up. And everyone knows Kris for his radio nicknames, Noah being Sonic, him (Kris) being Tails, and
Y/N as Knuckles
(Author here: idk about Sonic, I have never seen any movies so idk if being knuckles is a bad or good thing, I have only seen some cosplays of him, so if you would like you can change it, I just have no idea about the sonic world, sorry!)

Now that's enough about y/n and her story, on to the real story...

The Transformers: Rise of the Beasts story...

(Author's note: sorry if the scar explanation and the tattoo explanation wasn't good, I tried my best 😭 I had an image in my head but I'm rly bad at explaining things so, sorry)

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