Chapter 4 - Before We Go

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(Author's Note: Sorry for not updating in a bit, I haven't had motivation nor the time, but here's a new chapter! Hope you enjoy! Also I will give Mirage and Y/N some time together before they leave for Peru so I'll change some parts)

                             LAST CHAPTER:
Y/N: "Hell yeah I'm in"


Before Y/N and Noah go to say goodbye to their little brother Kris, me and Y/N are hanging out in that old garage where Noah and Y/N met me and the rest of the autobots. Y/N and I were trying to find out how I can change into my human form. So far, nothing is working. I'm starting to give up, I mean maybe Airazor's screener glitched, but
Y/N is not giving up. She's researching, and taking notes, and everything, I feel bad that she's doing all the work. I mean man, the woman is non-stop (Hehehe, Hamilton...I'll walk myself out)

"Y/N, i think it time that we give it a rest. Maybe it's just not possible... " I said in a disappointed voice and y/n looks up from her computer and sees me leaning on the wall while sitting up in the floor. She frowns a little and walks over to sits beside me, and leans on my chest as my arm wraps around her waist

"I'm sorry I couldn't help..." y/n says and I look at her

"Hey, it's not your fault, ok? We can keep trying but for now, let's just take a little break" I said, trying to cheer her up and she gives me a little smile

"Yeah...ok" y/n says and leans her head in my chest, and closes her eyes. My arm still wrapped around her, and lean my head back on to the wall and close my eyes as well. We both relax and just enjoy each others's company

I close my eyes and I can see (a world that's waiting up for me 🎵🎤...I'll be going
🚪🚶‍♀️) me and y/n, in a filed (of dandelions, wish on every on that you'd be miiiinnneeee~~ ...sorry...again) full with flowers and us on a blanket with food, which I'm guessing is us having a was beautiful, mostly y/n was but still. The thing that was really out of place, was me... it didn't look like me but it was. Let me rephrase that: it was me as an actual human. I started to fixate on human me, seeing what I looked like and examining it. Soon enough, I'm fully relaxed, just looking at human me and y/n having a beautiful moment together.

I guess in the real world i got a little to relaxed and something was me. I change into my human form! FINALLY! But the thing is...I didn't have any clothes on...

Y/N quickly got up and looked away, her face red from blushing so hard

"Uh, here" y/n says, giving me her hoodie while still looking away. I take her hoodie and wrap it around my waist

"I'm covered up now. Thanks, sorry about...that" I say, ew this is so awkward

"It''s ok, let's just never speak of this ever again" y/n says as she looks back at me, well not really at me as she was avoiding eye contact, which I don't blame her for

"Anyway, on the bright side, you got into your human form! What did you do?" Y/n asks, changing the topic

"Well, I just relaxed a lot and thought up of an image of me being a human" I say, not wanting to creep her out with the whole story of us having a romantic picnic

"Huh, I guess if you picture it in your head then you change.." y/n mumbles to herself and writes it down in her notebook. That's one of the things I love about her, she's always taking notes of my kind and mumbles to herself about what she's writing down, it's adorable

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