Chapter 8 - Elena Time 🤩

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(Author's note: so originally this chapter was meant for y/n and Mirage but when I write I just let my brain have complete freedom with no guidelines or anything so it turned out to be a chapter with Y/N and Elena bonding time, which I'm not completely mad at but this chapter doesn't rly have much y/n-Mirage time in it so sorry. ⚠️ Also important Author's note at the end of this chapter also I forgot the "last chapter" bit in the actual last chapter so sorry for that 💀 )

Y/N: "I love you too, my transformer"


It's been awhile since the whole "learning experience" and "soulmate" thing with Mirage and I have absolutely no idea what we are. Like we didn't really talk about it, so I don't know if we are dating or if we can see other people, not that I want to I'm just simply saying. I don't want to push this whole "dating" thing onto him because he's an alien robot so he probably doesn't have lots of experience in relationships so he might be uncomfortable with that, and that's completely fine. But I do want to know what we are, are we friends? Are we friends with Benefits? Are we boyfriend-girlfriend? What are we? I mean im completely fine without a label if that's what Mirage wants, but the problem is, I don't know what Mirage wants. And as much as it pains me to say, it's all I can think about. I keep telling myself to stop thinking about Mirage and start thinking about the fucking world ending. And of course I think about that too, and how Kris and mom are doing but most of my thoughts are occupied by Mirage and me.

I don't want to ask for advice because I hate asking for advice, it makes me feel weak, and that I don't really like to share my feelings with other people. (Me 💀) But also, who would I ask for advice? I know for a fact I ain't asking Prime, that would be the dumbest thing ever. I don't think I should ask any transformer in that fact, no matter it's an autobot or a maximal, mostly since they probably don't know anything about relationships. I mean, the only transformer that I might know is Bee and he's.... Uh... occupied right now. So that leaves the humans, which are me, Noah, Elena, and the village people. Well, the village people don't really talk to us plus they are strangers so that's out. And I never want to share my feelings with my brother, especially when it involves romance, so he's out. The only person that's left is Elena. Elena is awesome, and she's good with secrets as far as I can tell but she is kind of like a stranger to me. Of course not as much of a stranger as the villagers but not really a friend or close to me. Though she is a woman and she would probably get my guy problems, she's very pretty so I bet she gets a lot of guys, so she might can help me. I don't know about sharing my feelings with her though, but to be fair I don't share my feelings with anybody. For example, one time my mom tried to get me a therapist when I was younger and all I did when I was there was sit and not talk. Like I would say hi and if she asked me how I was I would always say "good", it's my go to answer (same 💀not the therapist but the "good" thingy 💀), but other than that I didn't talk about my feelings, it feels weird too.

"Hey, Y/N" Elena says as she walks over to me and sits down on the grass beside me and we both look down at the village from the hill that we are sitting on top of.

"Oh, hey, Elena" I say, breaking out of my thoughts

"So, I know that we haven't talk much since we met but I want to get to know you more" Elena says as we both make eye contact

"Ok, what do you what to know?" I say with a smile on my face, I get this feeling that I can trust Elena.

Me and Elena talk about our lives, joke around, and bond some more. It's nice to have a friend who's a girl when you both are surrounded by guys. I know that I could talk to Arcee or Airazor but it's nice to have a human friend too.

"Soooo, you are Mirage, huh?" Elena says, teasing me and I fight against my blush

"What do you mean?" I ask in a calm and collective voice, in the army I had to learn how to keep my cool and put on a poker face (Poker Face by Lady Gaga? 🤩)

"Oh, come on, it's obvious there's something romantic going on between you two. The flirty eye contact, one of you staring at the other across the room with love eyes, you're little banter you two do, and the flirting between you two~ it's so obvious! No need to get embarrassed or anything, I won't tell, pinky promise, and those are real important to me" (same) Elena says and she holds out her pinky and I smile and hold out my pinky and we both connect them, sealing the promise, and we break away

"Ok fine, the true is, yes there's something there" I say and Elena squeals

"I knew it! Tell me everything!" She fangirls and we both move to be criss-cross-applesauce (yup bringing that back) in front of each other.

"Well, a month ago, (Ik that doesn't rly go with the timeline but just pretend it does) when we both went away to try to experiment when his human form, and we kissed...a lot, and this thing showed up on both of our right wrists" I say, showing Elena the Transformer logo on my wrist and she takes my wrist and studies the logo

"Mirage says that it's this soulmate thing that the autobots have, when they meet their soulmate, or as they call it, sparkmate, both of them get the logo on their wrists" I explain and Elena lets go if my wrist and squeals again

"Eeee!! That's so cute!! You guys are soulmates!!" Elena fangirls

"Yeah, but the thing is, I don't know if we're dating or not" I say. Maybe I should get some advice after all

"What do you mean? You're soulmates, shouldn't you be dating?" Elena asks

"Well, I Guess, but neither one of us has talked about it or asked anything of the sort. I want to talk to Mirage about it but I don't want to ruin what we have right now." I say, it's true I don't want to ruin it, right now we are in that little phase where nothing else matters but the other person, where we can just laugh and joke all day and there's no drama between us. Where we have to keep it a secret since we aren't dating yet, but that's what makes it so much fun.

"Well, I say talk to him, I know that's probably not want you want to hear but it's true. Better to talk to him about it now before you don't get the chance to. And it shouldn't ruin what you two have, if you're truly meant to be, which apparently you are, it wouldn't matter to him or to you if you talk about your relationship, it's healthy. And I see the way he looks at you when you aren't looking or when you're talking to him...he loves you, and he wouldn't want anything to hurt you, so just talk to him. Trust me, everything will be okay, you're not gonna ruin what you have. If anything, you'll make it better and healthier" Elena advised me and I nod

"Yeah, that's makes sense. I'll make sure to do that. Thanks, E!" I say, using her nickname I gave her

"You're very welcome, n/n" Elena says, using the nickname she gave me. I can tell we will be amazing friends with this is all over.

(Author's note: ok so first, sorry that this chapter was shit, I just wanted to update for you guys 💀 second I am going on vacation tmr and being there for a week, I will still update but not as much. Also super unrelated but I am so fucking excited for the new FNAF movie 🤭 I've been waiting for this since forever and now it's finally happening, me and my friend are planning to watch it after it comes out. Sadly there's an away football game that day, and me being in marching band and her being in cheer we can't watch it (I mean I might watch it later that day 💀) that exact day but on the 28 we will and I'm so fucking excited you have no idea! 🤩
Anyway, remember to eat something and drink water! Love ya, bye!)


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