Chapter 11 - *Filler Chapter*

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(Just a filler chapter cuz I'm procrastinating abt writing the final fight scene. So just some random stuff that comes to my brain while writing, so sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, cuz I'm not gonna proof read it before I publish it 💀💀)

                            Last chapter:
Y/n: "I wouldn't have it any other way, my             transformer"

(Still in the village, ik I need a new setting but oh well I'm a lazy mofo 🤷‍♀️)


I was walking around the village with Elena, us talking about anything that comes to mind, just a peaceful day.

I sigh, making Elena stop her sentence

"What's wrong?" Elena asks worried

"Oh, it's nothing, I just miss him.." I say, lost in my thoughts

"Girl, you just saw him like 5 minutes ago" Elena says

"I knowww but stilll, im a clingy mofo, what can i say" i say defending myself

"Yea true, very true" Elena says and she just continues on with whatever she was rambling abt before, I'm not rly paying attention

"Ow! Shit!" I say as an arrow flies by me and cuts me deeply, not stabbing me just grazing my right bicep

"Oh, sorry sis!" Noah says as he runs over to me, now in his hand, Elena already looking at my wound

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask Noah, I look down to see him holding a bow and I take it from him

"Where did u get this? You could seriously hurt someone! We both got lucky that I wasn't fully in the way" I exclaim before he can answer, the big sister in me talking

"I got it from your stuff, I was trying to figure out who to shoot one" Noah said like it wasn't anything big

"You should have asked me if I could teach you, and stop taking my stuff! Also, if you wanna practice do it away from the village and away from people" I say and Elena backs away from my wound

"It's pretty deep but no need for stitches, just needs to be cleans and wrapped up" She said as we started to walk to out spot where our tents and stuff are

As we walk onto the stop Mirage sees my bleeding wound and immediately gets up and transforms into his human form, he's getting really good at it now, and he runs over to me and gently grabs my arm

"What happened? Are you ok?" Mirage asks in concern as he examines my cut

"She's alright, it's nothing big, it just needs cleaning and wrapping up" Elena said as she walks to get the first aid and walked back over to me

"What happened" Mirage asks, still concerned

"Noah was shooting arrows and one grazed me, that's all, I'm alright" I say as I hold his head with my good hand but Elena soon pulls me over to the log to sit down so she can clean up my arm

"Where's Noah?" Mirage asks, looking mad

"He's still in the village, but there's bo need to be mad, I already talked to him, it's alright" I say, trying to calm Mirage down and he sighs

"Ok, whatever you say, pretty lady" Mirage says as he sits down beside me

"Ok, the cut is all cleaned up and I finished wrapping it so ur good to go!" Elena said as she finished wrapping my arm with bandage tape and got up to put the first aid away

"Thanks Elena" I say and Elena walks off, probably to go find Arcee, and I see Noah run over to me and Mirage

"Y/N, can u teach me how to shoot an arrow pleeeease??" Noah begs and I roll my eyes

"Fiiine, if u stop begging" I say and get up, picking up the bow from beside me and Noah handing me an arrow

"Thank you!" Noah says and we walk over to the side, where we are away from the village and it's people but where Mirage can still see us


Y/N and Noah walk to the side where they can have a target, the spot where Y/N usually practices her bow and arrow shots

Y/N gives Noah the bow and arrow and she gets behind him and moves his hands and legs to where they need to be, teaching him on how to shoot

She walks away from Noah and he legs go of the arrow and it shoots passed the target, right above it

"Okayyy, let's talk about aim" Y/N says as she walks over to Noah, taking the bow and another arrow from Noah's arrow bag on his back. She sets up her stance, teaching Noah how to and he mimics her as she talks through what she's doing. She holds up the bow and pulls back the arrow, aims, and lets the arrow go, shooting a bullseye

'She's amazing, I'm so lucky to have her ' I think to myself

She gets the arrow from the target and talks to Noah about how to aim and teaching him all of the basics

'She's a good teacher.. well a good big sister too' I think to myself

Noah tries again and hits the side of the target

"Hey! That's good for a first try for aiming!" Y/N praises as she taps Noah on the back of his shoulder, Noah looking proud in himself, and they both walk up to the target and Noah gets the arrow out as Y/N teaches him on what he can do better for his next shot

'Now that I think about it.. she'd be a good mom..' I think to myself, but then I shake my head

'That's kinda weird I guess, maybe she doesn't want children.. well whatever, I'm still so lucky to have her' I think to myself

Y/N keeps teaching Noah about aiming and how to control his bow and arrow, and soon they're done and Noah goes into his tent while Y/N sits down beside me (Mirage is still in his human form btw)

"Hey, you did good teaching him" I say as she sits down and I put my arm around her and she leans on my shoulder

"Thanks..I'm so tired" she said as she closes her eyes and relaxes on my shoulder and I smile and my hand that was around her made its way to where I can massage her head and she smiles and leans more into me

"Well, you can take a nap in your tent" I suggested

"But I want to spend more time with you" she said, already have asleep and I smile more

"I can coke and lay down with you, how about that?" I suggest

"Okayyyy, I guess that will work" she said as I laugh. We both get up and we go to Y/N'S tent. Y/N ladies down on her sleeping bag that we got in this village and I lay down beside her, and we cuddle up together

"Goodnight, my Love" I say as she closes her eyes

"Goodnight, my transformer" Y/N'S says sleepily as she falls asleep

Authors note: Heyyy, Srry It's been soooo long, I've been having HUGE block and no time with school and homework and marching band. But I'm on fall break now so hopefully I'll get more ideas and time to write 💀, I'm rly just procrastinating the end fighting scene cuz tbh I don't rly remember much of it 💀 but yk I'll try my best

After this book I'll probably write another one but idk which character I should write for sooo you guys can vote ok which one:

• Optimus Prime - Rise of the Beasts

• Noah - Rise of the Beasts

• Any TMNT turtle - Mutant Mayhem

• Yasper - The Afterparty

• Or if you wanna request someone then I can do that too!

Also, what are you guys being for Halloween??? Or if ur even dressing up 💀

Anyway, remember to eat and drink water! Love you all!


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