Chapter 1 - Jobs

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I lay on my brother, Noah's, bed as he fixes a gadget for his good friend, Reek. Reek is alright to me, he's annoying and flirting with me all the time and asks me out a lot but if Noah and him are good friends, then I'll let his stick around, plus he's pretty funny...sometimes

Me on the other hand, I am trying to fix my walkie-talkie that our brother, Kris, had given me. It had broke when I forgot about it and accidentally sat down with it in my back pocket.

"Noah, can you pass me the mini screwdriver?" I ask while looking at the walkie-talkie and Noah throws it to me and I catch it with out looking, and continue one working to fix it. And eventually, I test it out to see if it works and use it to call Noah (even if he's right beside me)

"Sonic? Sonic you copy?" I ask into the walkie-talkie, using his code name that Kris had given him, and I hear Noah's go off beside him

"Yes! It works!" I say in victory, proud that I fixed it, and I hear some talking from the little gadget Noah was fixing, and apparently he had fixed it too.

Me and Noah get up and go to the kitchen, Noah by the stove, which scares me to no end, and me at the table with my computer, taking notes on things call Transformers. Now, I don't believe that they are real, I mean come on, a talking car? Yeah right. But I am fascinated with the idea of it. It's like Greek mythology, I don't believe in it but I do think it's cool and want to learn about it. I read up on Transformers that are called 'Maximals' and take note of them in my note book, and I draw little sketches of what they look like. They have certain leader-like ones, for example: the Eagle is called 'Airazor' and the Rhino is called 'Rhinox'...very creative there. Anywho, I sketch down what they look like and put their names beside it. I soon then read about a Gorilla named "Optimus Primal"...that's sound familiar. I flip back to my notes from before and see that it was familiar because there is an autobot named 'Optimus Prime'. I go back to Primal's article and apparently he was named after Optimus Prime, since he was such a great hero and leader. Isn't that just fascinating? It is to me. Speaking of fascination, there's this one specific Transformer that I like, his name is..m...merge? No... what was it? M...mir..oh! Mirage! Yeah, him! He's my favorite to learn about, I don't know why but he is

As I take more notes and draw more sketches, Kris comes out of his room and sits up at the dinner table and mom comes into the kitchen to grab something and say goodbye before she goes to work. Mom says something to Noah about the hospital bill, but i pay no attention, that isn't really my department for sibling-parenting, Noah usually does the hospital stuff while I do the other stuff, it's a fair trade we made up when we have to take care of Kris when moms away.

"Bye, Y/N, make sure that Noah doesn't burn down the house, yeah?" My mom says

"Bye mama, and I'll try" I say and chuckle and mom says goodbye to my brothers, and leave for work. Noah put his burnt eggs that he made on Kris's plate and Kris looks at them a little disgusted but not surprised, and he looks over to see what I was drawing

"Woah, those are cold sketches sis! You should make some more and sell them" Kris says with fascination in his voice and eyes and I smile

"Thanks, K, but I think I'll stick to it being a hobby. If I make it into a job I won't like it anymore" I say as I close my computer and note book and put it in my backpack. I get up and ruffle Kris's hair as I walk over to my bedroom and get my shoes on, get my backpack set up with my computer and notes, and get ready for the day. I walk out of my room to see Noah looking Kris's wrist and I frown a little, I guess it has been starting to hurt again...poor Kris.

Me, Noah, and Kris walk out of our apartment and turn to go to our car, and there Reek is, hanging out with his group of friends. Noah and Reek talk for a bit, reek making fun of Noah's suit and Noah giving Reek back his gadget. Reek says something about me and Noah wasting our tech skills and how he knows if a job for us but I pay no attention to him.

"So, y/n, sweetheart, what do you say about dinner, huh? Just me and you" Reek asks me and winks, and inside I cringe but outside I keep a smirk

"Oooo, you know what? I think I'll have to rain check on that, but do you think that February 31 could work?" I ask sarcastically with a smirk and I walk off with Kris and get into the car. Soon Noah gets into the passenger seat, with me in the drivers seat and Kris in the back seat. I drive us all to the hospital, me and Kris wait in the waiting room while Noah talks to the staff, and I distract Kris as much as I can. Noah comes back and says that we have to go and that they won't meet with us which I think is bull, I mean he's just a kid, and we are working on the money...we shouldn't even have to pay for medical help but let's not get into that talk

I drive us to where ever Noah needs to be for his interview and me and Kris wait in the car. Noah comes back to the car angry

"You ok?" I asked, I guess the interview didn't go well

"Yeah....just-just drive us home" Noah says as he tried to keep in his anger around Kris and he looks out the window as I drive us all home

I park the car and we all get out and walk to our house, but before I could walk in Noah grabs me by the bicep and drags me over to see his friend, Reek, and I tell Kris to go on inside and throw him the keys.

Noah: "So, what about this job..."

(Author's note: sorry that this is kinda short & a little lazy, I just had a block trying to write the beginning part. & sorry Mirage isn't even in this chapter but I just have to get it out of the way so I can actually write about mirage and y/n)


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