Chapter 13 - The End

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(Author's note: Last chapterrrrr! I'm happy and a little sad 😭 srry if there's any grammatical errors, I wrote this for to long so I rushed at the end and I don't have time to reread it. Also Happy Holidays to those who celebrate!! And to those who don't have an amazing day!!)


                            Last chapter:
                          Noah: "Mirage?"

(Time skip)


Noah and I are now in our garage. While there's rap music playing in the back, Noah is lean on the counter beside our tool box and I slide out from under the car we are working on

"That ought to do it" I say as a get up from the skateboard(or wtv tf that thing was 💀) I was on. I go to lean in the counter as Noah walks closer to the car (next to that pole thing they used to keep the car up) and that's when I hear one of the most annoying sounds ever...Reek

"Ohohohoooo, this!? This is a complete waste of your two skills and my expertise" Reek says as he walks in and I roll my eyes

"Think it came out pretty good" Noah says and I nod in agreement. Noah pulls down on the thing that was keeping the car up, making the car now fully on the floor (Srry idk how to explain it)

"Well I guess we could call it..modern art..and cell it to some cats in SoHo" Reek says and walks over to me and leans one elbow on the counter while looking at me and leans his chin on his hand

"How's my sexy lady doin'?~" He says, trying to flirt with me. I roll my eyes and walk away from the counter to Noah to help clean up

"Nah, we're not sellin'" I say as I continue to put away some tools and parts

"What?! Why?!" Reek asks and tries to get closer to me when my back was to him but thankfully Noah stepped in between us and lit up his hand to make Reek back off, which he did. Once that's done me and Noah carry over our tools to the other side of the garage

"Is this about the ____ thing?" (Idk how to spell it sorry) Reek asks and neither of us answers

"I told you, I did not ditch you!I was running the give and go, I thought you wanted to play!!" Reek says fast and in a high pitch voice... at least I think that's what he said, it was to fast and high for me to hear it clearly

"Ight, let's say I did ditch you, even though I didnt- I- for your sake, I see your face. Let's just say I did. I think all the blood, sweat, and dead presence I put in to gettin' these car parts for you make us even Steven" reek says and me and Noah finish putting away our tools. If I was actually mad about him ditching us that would just have made me angrier...he's rly bad at apologizing

"It's not that" Noah says while cleaning off his hands with a rag, specifically his rag since I don't want his dirty germs and grease on my hands, so I made him have his own while I have my own rag

"This car is special" I say while I also wipe my hands with my own rag. Once I'm finished Noah and I walk over to the car

"This car... is a jigsaw puzzle made of garbage" reek says as he walks after us and I roll my eyes

'You're just mad this 'jigsaw puzzle' car pulled me when you had no chance' I thought to myself as I look over the car with love in my eyes, my hand graze my other wrist with the transformer symbol on it, making me smile

"Here, I bet... the joint don't even start" Reek says as he gives the car keys to Noah

"Bet" Noah says smugly. He doesn't take the keys, he just looks at the car

"Yo Mirage" Noah says, making me smirk as we watch Mirage transform into his robot form, and Reek watches in shock and also fear from the giant robot

"Wohoho!! Yea!! Your boy is back!! This dude said I wasn't even gonna start!" Mirage says happily. Me and Noah smile at him, while reek watches in shock

"Oh and also..." mirage starts, and he transforms into his human form which has some scars and bandages, SOME. He walks over to Reek

"This pretty lady..." he says and pulls me over to him, his arm around my waist as I get pulled into his chest

"Is mine." Mirage says sternly and I blush a little shocked since Mirage never really gets serious. Mirage looks down at me and he smiles and he kisses me. Once he pulls away and admires me for a few seconds and then looks back at Reek who is still shocked

"Oh and another thing, when a woman says no, she means no, so don't keep asking after she already said no. Just take the reject and move on" Mirage advices and I smile even more

Noah guides Reek to the exit and they both leave the garage, leaving me and mirage alone. I jump into mirage's arms and give him a big hug and I pull away for a few seconds so I can kiss him and then continue to hug him

"I'm so happy you're ok!" I say and mirage chuckles

"Me too, my pretty too" Mirage says

"Oh and.... I love you, my transformer" I say  as I pull out of the hug and look into his eyes

"You never got to hear me say it back last time" I say and mirage smiles

"I love you too, my pretty lady" mirage says lovingly and kisses me again

From then on I showed Mirage around town and around my apartment since that's where he'd be staying, my mom and brothers approved it... surprisingly... Mirage is usually in his human form but sometimes he'll transform if the autobots ever need him

Me and mirage are in my room, laying on my bed, me in his lap as we watch a movie. I lean my head on his chest and he rubs my head softly

"I love you, Y/N" Mirage says lovingly and I smile and look up at him

"I love you too, Mirage" I say lovingly back and we kiss. Once we pull away for air, I continue to cuddle up to mirage and lay my head on his chest as he rubs it

(Author's note: AHHH that's the end ppl!!! Srry if it was a little choppy these last few chapters, it's been hard to continue this book tbh cuz I'm kind out of the fandom now, like I haven't been obsessing or hyper fixating on it sooooo it's been rly hard BUT I tried my best because I hate it when books are discontinued and I didn't want to do that to you all 💀

Anyway, thank you all SOOOO very much!!!!! I've gotten so much support that I wouldn't never imagined but THANK YOU ALLL!!! It's been a pleasure to write this book for you!

I'll miss you all, but I will continue to write so if you have any requests please let me now!!

It was amazing writing this book and seeing all of the feedback and support from all of you!!

Reminder to eat something and drink water!! Love you all!! Bye!!)


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