Chapter 10 - Together?

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Short-ish chapter

                          LAST CHAPTER:
                  Prime: "Anytime...son"


Me and Mirage were just chilling and talking with each other in our little camp site beside the village. We both haven't talked about the whole 'learning experience' thing yet, so until we do we're just acting like it never happened. Which I'm not mad at but I also wish that I could just wrap him in one big hug and kiss the shit out of him...but that's weird to do to someone who you basically just met...sooo I'm not gonna do that. As we both talk and joke around, Acree walks behind Mirage and whispers:

"You got this buddy! Make your move!" She whispered to Mirage and patted him on the shoulder as she walked off. Now, I don't know if she wanted me to hear that so I said nothing about it, and Mirage didn't either, his face just blushed a little (yes blush, transformers can do that cuz I said so) but he just continued on with what he was saying like Acree didn't even say anything (I speak from experience, this happened to me but with the guy I told y'all abt from band camp 💀)

We continue to talk more and soon enough Prime pulls Mirage away for a second to talk about who knows what, and as soon as they are out of sight Elena comes over towards me

"Soooo, how's Mirage?~~" Elena asks me

"Good, I guess?" I say not knowing how to answer that and give her a confused look

"Oh don't give me that look" Elena says and we laugh (again speaking from experience 😭)

"So, are you guys dating yet?" Elena asks

"Oh we aren't, we're just friends for the moment" I say and saying the word 'friends' towards Mirage feels so wrong, I know it's supposed to feel right and I want it to feel right but it just doesn't feel like it. it's wrong

"Oh come onnnn, you guys are literally soulmates and you say you're 'just friends'? That's a load of bull! Have you at least talked to him about what we talked about before?" Elena asks

"Uh.. no I haven't"

"Oh come on!!" Elena whines

"Hey! It's harder than it seems, ok!?" I say

Elena and I see Mirage walking towards us with Prime behind him

"Ok, I'll leave you two alone.... Talk to him!" Elena says as she walks away and Mirage is now in front of me, with prime behind him. Prime pushes Mirage to be a little closer

"Talk. Now." Prime says firmly and walks away

"Uhhh, what was that about?" I ask as we watch prime walk away from us

"Oh um... he found out about us know, sparkmates, and he wants us to talk about it..." Mirage says a little flustered

"Oh, so only he wants to talk about it? Not you?" I ask, teasing him, it's so funny to me how Mirage can turn from a hilarious and extroverted guy to a completely flustered and shy guy when he's with me...Elena pointed it out to me

" not just him..I also want to talk about it too" Mirage says

"Ok, so let's talk about it then" I say and Mirage changes into his human form, and thankfully his clothes stayed with his form (I wouldn't say thankfully 😏🤭)

"Awww, I was kinda hoping the clothes wouldn't stay, if you know what I mean, ehh" Mirage teases and I roll my eyes and playfully shove him

Me and Mirage talk about he would soulmate thing and what it would mean if he either stays here or goes back home (to lazy to write it sorry)

"Listen.. I know that we have just met, but I also know that you're my sparkmate, and that we were meant for each other. In just this short amount of time I've gotten to know you better and see you for the beautiful and amazing person that you are. Plus the world might end so might as well ask while I still got the time... Y/N, would you do me the honors, of going out with me and being my girlfriend?" Mirage asks and I smile
(Bro is acting like he's proposing 💀)

"Oh course I will Mirage" I say and I hug him, and pull away just enough so I can look into his eyes, my hands on his chest and his hands traveling from the middle of my back to holding my face.

In the middle of the moment we kiss. After a few seconds we pull away, just looking into each others eyes, processing what just happened and once it clicked in our minds what happened we went in for another kiss, and another, and another after another. Relax, we weren't making out in the middle of the village, after a few kisses we stopped and just hugged each other, enjoying each other's presence

"I'm so glad that you're my sparkmate..I could have had a better one, my pretty lady" Mirage says as his head relaxes in my shoulder and I smile

"I wouldn't have it any other way, my transformer" I say and kiss the side of his neck and hug his tighter, just basking in each others presence and the hug. Now this...this feels right.

(Authors note: yea ik this was shit and i'm rly sorry that after a break I come back and upload a rly bad chapter but I had zero ideas and I wanted to get smth out there for y'all, & I'm also rly tired 😭 Plus I'm rly starting to stress over school. The amount of panic and anxiety attacks I've had from it is not even funny anymore, my mental health can't take this 😭 so I'm rly sorry if my writing gets rly bad I can feel my mental health starting to deteriorate and become worse so I apologize if my writing isn't as good, it's just hard to write when I'm in a bad place mentally but don't worry, I'm taking care of myself and staying healthy it's just stress from school and everything I'm just so overwhelmed but I'm okay I get like this every once in awhile & it's been happening for awhile so don't worry abt me 😅

Anyway remember to eat smth and drink water! Love ya, bye!)


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