Chapter one

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Cold exhausted and disoriented were the only things I could feel when I awoke on the ground. The blazing sun beating down on my pearlescent skin confused me even more. Wasn't I just sitting by the lake at my grandmother's house stargazing? Did I fall asleep?

I slowly blink my eyes open taking in my surroundings. I quickly shut my eyes again in utter disbelief. Was I hallucinating or was that real? I slowly open my eyes again confirming that this was very real I was no longer laying on my grandmother's dock. I was sitting atop a rather large mountain in a place I could only describe as otherworldly. I lept up in a panic a million thoughts racing through my head a million scenarios playing out when suddenly a vision struck me.

I saw myself like a movie clip in my head on the dock watching the Stars when I suddenly a loud cracking sound rang out through the quiet night air. I sat up looking behind me while the Earth shook splitting wide open the split coming right for the dock I didn't even have time to scream or feel fear as the dock split in two and I plummeted into the dark murky water. My image  desperately tried to swim to the surface until a piece of wood from the dock came right at my face and knocked me back, and that was it. I watched as I sank to the bottom of the lake my own death playing out, right in front of me.

And then the image changed I was standing on top of a pedestal with a beautiful man sitting in front of me smiling gently. He stood walking towards me with his long black hair flowing behind him. He came close took my hands in his and spoke. "Dear child of Earth, I have brought you here to give you a second chance at life hoping in turn that you can give others the same chance".

I stood silently taking in the situation. Not sure what to do, and not sure what he was (some kind of deiety) I simply asked what do you need me to do?He simply smiled, "I have searched your memories and seen your Strife in life, a life I would wish upon no creature. Yet you stayed ever kind and humble I simply wish for you to live happily and in turn those you surround yourself with will live happily too. I stood therein shock and disbelief. I asked him if that was really all he wanted from me. "Yes my child" .  He smiled as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead the air began to Shimmer and sparkles rained down as I evaporated Into Thin Air. I heard his lingering whisper upon the air,  " live Well Sweet Child".

I blinked repeatedly as the fog cleared from my eyes. Looking at my surroundings in a whole new light. A smile Grace's my lips ,I died but I'm honestly okay with that. My life until now had not been a pleasant one. Through my parents abuse and neglect, the horrible incident I had with my ex male best friend,it was all to much.

I had tried to escape it all by moving in with my grandmother at 20 years old. She had been my rock my only reason to live. No matter how much I hated myself I never took that final step because of her. But the day before my 24th birthday she died rather suddenly from a heart attack leaving me alone once again. It's been half a year since then and honestly that's probably why I'm so okay with all of this maybe I do deserve a second chance like the deiety said.

Deciding that I have been lost in my thoughts too long I figured I should make my way down the mountain. The question was which way to go from here? From what I can see there are four different ecosystems spanning out from here. I see a snow biome which I automatically cross off my list don't get me wrong I love the cold but my thin black leggings, long black sleeve shirt and my combat boots wouldn't be warm enough. I consider what seems to be a canyon but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to forage for food there. So I crossed that off too. That leaves the jungle or the plains. I decide to start heading for the dense jungle thinking I'd have an easier time finding food at least.

As I'm descending the mountain, I slipped a little and sliced my leg along a jagged Rock protruding from the mountain. I check it as blood comes dripping down my leg. Deciding it's not to bad I move on ignoring it making a mental reminder to clean it as soon as I find a clean body of water to stave off any infection that might occur.

I reached the bottom of the mountain beginning my Trek through the Deep foliage. As I'm looking around I am further convinced that this is not earth. The difference in the Horticulture is just too vast. I'm Amazed by how much of my surroundings glow Under The Canopy of the trees. I can imagine how much brighter the luminescent flowers and mushrooms would be when night Falls.

As I'm walking I begin to feel rather dizzy. Realizing that I might be losing a little more blood than I originally thought I look around for something to staunch the bleeding with. I spot some thick Moss along a rotting log and collect some. I shake it out and simply place it over the wound on my calf and recover it with my form-fitting leggings to keep it in place.

As soon as I stand up I whip my head to the right startled by a low growling sound coming from the underbrush. I stand stiff as a rod my heart racing a mile a minute, afraid to run in fear that my actions would cause whatever's there to give Chase and harm me.

I watch as a beautiful black panther crawls out on its belly seeming to try to keep me calm. At first I'm afraid but that's simply washed away by my own inner musings, I mentally reprimand myself for calling it a panther when I know it's a blanket term for all large black cats. I look closer seeing large barely their spots confirming my suspicions that it is indeed a black jaguar. As I was lost in my inner monologue I failed to notice how close the beautiful creature had come to me. But it doesn't seem to want to harm me.

I slowly lower myself to the ground deciding to take a chance on this seemingly harmless creature. We just sit there and stare at each other for a couple of minutes until I slowly reach my hand out and then in the kindest voice I can muster I ask "may I Touch You Beautiful One". The Jaguar looks at me startled like it was surprised I was asking or willing to touch it at all.

The black jaguar leaned its head forward till it's soft fur was gliding through my fingers. As I stared into its beautiful green eyes I felt a sense of calm and longing for something I can't place seep into my bones.

The big kitty starts to purr as I pet behind their ears, and I can't help but to giggle at how absurd this entire situation is. The black jaguar looks up with this glint in its eyes that I can't quite place.When suddenly there's a giant puff of green smoke. Before  me there is no longer my beautiful kitty but a very large very sexy man practically in my lap. He is on all fours just staring at me I sit there trying to fully comprehend what just happened. He looks nervous as he sits up,( fully in the nude I might add) gazing at me like he's afraid I might Bolt. Me being the total dumbass I am with zero filter, I simply say wow you really are beautiful.

I Smile as his ears turn pink realizing my words definitely have an effect on him. So do you know where we are he looks at me quizzically like he's not sure how to answer me. I'm struck with the sudden thought , what if he we don't speak the same language? But my fears are instantly nixed as he speaks in perfect English. "We are in the forest of the Alandria sweet female."

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