Chapter seven

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Talking to opal has ended up being very enjoyable he's actually really sweet. I learned that even though he is smaller then Jasper and more feminine he is actually the same power level with an affinity for ice. I personally am a huge fan of this because now I can teach them how to make a deep freezer to store more food for the winter.

Jasper has been flirting with opal just as much as me the past three days he's been here. I have to say I love it. I was worried having multiple lovers would be hard and cause fights but if we're all going to get along like this Ile be super happy.

Opal has proven a great asset being a fox he's a omnivore witch has made gathering so much easier not to mention he stopped me from almost eating a poison fruit yesterday. Trust me having my sweet gentle fox aggressively smack something out of your hand will give you a heart attack. He apologized so many times I lost count it was really cute.

Honestly the idea of a multiple lover relationship was hard to accept at first but learning that it's the norm hear made me feel alot better about it. "Juniper"? Opal called me getting my attention. I looked at him expectantly waiting for his question. " Can I take you somewhere today Jasper can come to I just wanna show you something if that's okay?" He asked this so shyly while looking at my feet it was so cute.

As long as Jasper says it's okay I'm fine with it hun. Jasper looks over and devilishly smiles "anything you want HUN" using my nickname for opal to make him blush. Jasper grins at me and winks then goes back to making breakfast. Opal stutters for a minute then slowly smiles and says we can leave after breakfast.

As soon as we finish eating opal grabs my hand and hurriedly pulls me towards the door Jasper chuckles at my startled expression and follows us out of the cave. We walk for about two hours I'm guessing deeper into the woods. Opal tail and ears are out again wagging back and forth excitedly. I am now thoroughly curious as to what he was to show us.

About another ten minutes pass and we are now standing at the edge of a cliff . Their are some really strong updrafting wind currents coming from the base of cliff. Opal looks at me excitedly and asks "are you ready to float." I look at him bewildered "what the heck do you mean!" He grins as he runs over to a large tree with giant purple leaves, like the length of my body giant.

He looks to make sure we're watching the runs to the edge of the cliff and jumps off. I let at a startled scream and run to the edge of the cliff fearing the worst. But as soon ass I get there opal comes soaring up the air current holding the leaf like a parachute. I stare in amazement as he let's out the most beautiful laugfter. He slowly glides back down to us and I'm completely flabbergasted I don't know what to say.

"So what do you think looks fun right? You wanna try?" I step back a little scared. "It does looks fun but I'm not sure I could do that." Jasper runs up with a leaf in his hands and jumps off laughing. It's so different from his normal expressions I can't help but to stare. Opal leans down and scoops me up swinging me onto his abbs koala bear style.

"You better hold on angel you don't won't to fall." He says this with a smirk and I barley have time to get a grip before we're plummeting off the cliff. The rush of adrenaline is so intense as we're falling I'm convinced I'm going to die . Just before we hit the ground opals leaf catches the wind and we go soaring into the sky. My eyes are shut tight at this point from fear. I hear opal in my ears telling me to open my eyes.

When I'm finally able to look I'm stunned in amazement. The view from up here is amazing. I look at opal laughing." It's so beautiful up hear". "Not as beautiful as you angel." Opal whispers in my ear. I know I'm a raging hot furnace in the face right now as I stare into opals eyes. They really are pretty his scar honestly make his delicate features stand out even more.

I'm staring so hard I don't even realize opal is leaning his face forward until his lips connect with mine. I'm startled at first but then sink into the kiss. His lips are so warm and he tastes like vanilla it's honestly pretty magical. I Feel it as opals feet touch the ground and we break from the kiss.

I look down bashfully ...."um thanks that was fun." "I'm glad you liked it angel. Jasper come up behind me "don't think I didn't notice that kiss you sly fox." I haven't even done that yet". "It's okay Jasper we can do it at our own pace it will happen I'm sure.

He looks down at me with fire in his eyes. "Your right little one I'm sorry for not doing this sooner." Before I can respond Jasper has me in his arms and is pressing his hot lips against mine . My knees go week from the furiosity of the kiss and I go light headed in all the best ways. I don't think as he kisses me and just feel and it's honestly just as magical as opals kiss. We break apart and he looks down at me grinning.

"Come on little one let's go home." I feel Jasper slip his hand into mine as opal comes beside me and takes my other I can't help but to smile as I feel so warm and happy inside something I haven't felt for a very long time. I tear up a little and smile up at them. "Ya let's go home."

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