log 016 - not to me

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It was that day that all my fears came true.
That I witnessed all my Insecurities turn into reality.

I see the way you look at her.
The way you act around her.
So endlessly happy.

Everytime I look at her I remember what you told me.

She was going to be the person you were going to spend the rest of your life with. The one you were going to marry.
As someone who's only in it for the long run, she was your chosen mate for life.
You even planned your future children together.

How could I compete with someone you were so sure of? someone you were so invested in?

Sure, you broke it off due to religious reasons, but what if that were to change? What if she were to compromise with your views?

She's planning to go to the college across from us, now you guys can finally be together all the time.

Where does this leave me? Were you just using me to pass time until you could be with your "real" friends again? Where am I in your life?

I fear myself for I worry about my placement in your future plans- why did I have to like you so much? Why did we have to click so well?

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