Found family and second life

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( this was in my book 1 title reborn but I decided, to remake and break it down in multiple parts)

Myra knew she was never wanted by the scientists or the Omaticaya as they saw her bothersome and the demon child of the Miles quaritch, they couldn't send her bakc to earth as she was so young. The only one who seems to like having her around were the sully kids and norm well that was until this years when the sully kids had started leaving her behind and, starting to act lie they didn't know her. When she went asking for help from norm she was told by the scientists she was ruing norm relationship with trudy as they were always fighting about her, she was the so called reason why many marriages were near divorce. She still had kiro by her said who always made sure she was never left behind and had someone by her side until one day, when they went to spirt tree kiro wanted to try to contact to the tree. He had may there to help him if something bad happened and that bad thing did happen he had seizure and when Neytiri and other Omaticaya came it was not good for her.

Myra " this kiro okay"

Neteyam " you did this it all your fault"

Myra " huh"

Lo'ak " you did this our mom was right you are bad luck we almost lost our lives because of you"

Myra " Lo'ak"

Tuk " why are you so mad at us myra did we do something wrong"

Myra " tuk no ... ahhh" myra was about to hold tuk to hug her but Neteyam had cut her with his blade pushing his sister behind him and hissing at her.

Neteyam " don't you dare touch my sister you demon"

Neytiri " you done this you are the reason my son in deep sleep you demon girl" Neytiri had grabbed myra buy the hair and soon started dragging her out of the village, soon tossing the girl outside of the village.

Neytiri " Omaticaya if anyone see this child you have the rights to get rid of her we will finally be free of the demon blood"

Myra " please I ..."

Jake " myra go home now I will speak with you later we don't need you here" tears were falling down myra face as she ran home in pain she had reach the base but when she input the code it didn't work.

Myra "hey the code not working" one of the scientists came out and she didn't seem happy she soon pushed myra down having her hit the ground hard in pain and toss a bag at her.

Female " are you happy now child it because of you my marriage is ruin you are the reason there are no other kids here as everyone fear them becoming like you, leave now and never come back"

Myra " I have no where else to do this is my home and family"

Female skin " that demon of your father is your only family now leave no on will miss you" myra had grabbed the bag and soon took off as storm started she had found a cave, and took shelter there for the night.

Myra " I have no where else to go ... I can call him he said if I need help call him ... I kept everyone safe from his revenge and this how it ends ... I was just being helpful" myra was looking three her bag and soon came across, the device her father had given her the last time she saw him.

Myra " dad it me ... I need your help something happen I just need someone right now"

Quaritch " kid where are you"

Myra " in a cave somewhere north I got kicked out of the village and the base ... and I'm very hurt as well and I need help"

Quairtch " Mansk got yout location I will be there with a team I will come get you, stay there and if anything happen use your blade and fight back"

Myra " yes dad" the call soon ended myra was soon running a high fever when she didn't feel like moving that much, when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

Myra " dad" myra had seen a navi male that was not her dad making myra panic as she forced herself to stand and grabbed her blade she didn't want to die.

???? " get quaritch tell him we found the girl"

Myra " ...."

Quaritch " kid"

Myra " dad" myra soon passed out but she had been caught by quaritch myra had notice her father looked different from the last time she saw him, who were these other navi with her father.

???? " Quaritch who is this child"

Quaritch " she is my daughter she was living with her friends but something happened"

???? " the poor child has a high fever sister we shouldn't keep her out here, bring her inside your hut and I will heal her"

Lyle " I will roll out a mat for her" Lyle had ran inside and rolled out a mat, for you soon Quaritch laid you down.

Quaritch " can you save her she my daughter I can't lose her, she means everything to me"

???? " don't worry ma Quaritch my sister will save your daughter but we did to wait and see"

Alex " I can help us well I was medic I know what we can do it save her"

????? " yes you can" Quaritch had never prayed to eywa that much but he was praying that much,until now he couldn't lose you he will give up everything to have his daughter life saved. That night eywa has heard his prays and gave her child a second chance of life and found family as well.

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