Not so Happy Campers part 2

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Out of all the things Amanda thought the show would make them do, she never thought jumping off a cliff would be one. Sure there was challenges in other shows that had people dive, but it was normally at a safe height. So this was pretty much overkill. But she would do anything for her beloved Duncan

And she was on her schools swim team, she would know what the regulated proper height to dive was. But in other times she would jump on even higher diving boards So this would be a breeze

"Okay! Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot-high cliff into the lake."

"Piece of cake." Bridgette said.

"Well, if delinquents can jump of cliffs into the water. Surely we can too." Amanda said with a shrug.

She wore a black and purple one-piece bathing suit that almost looked like the one Bridgette was wearing, but the latter's was a different color.

Everyone gave her confused looks, but Duncan realized what she meant.

"Have you been to Juvie before?" Duncan asked curiously. Amanda just smilled towards him and said "Yeah a couple of times"

Duncan nodded with respect and smirked at her and said with a flirty look," That's cool, any chance you and I can date after the shows over"

"Of course I would, anything for you Mr bad boy" Amanda said swaying her hips while Geoff and DJ smilled at their delinquent teamate

Chris then spoke up. "Enough talk; We have a challenge to start." Once he got everyone silence, he continued. "And if you look down, you'll see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we stocked with psychotic, hehehe, man-eating sharks!"

Everyone looked down and either looked down in fear or gulped, due to being able to see what looked like shark fins in the wider zone.

"Inside that area is the safe zone. That's your target, which, we're pretty sure is shark free."

Amanda glared at the host, and said," How is that safe?"

Chris ignored her, and said," For each member of your team that jumps and actually… survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge… building a hot tub. The team with the best one will get a wicked hot-tub party. The losers will be sending someone home. Alright Killer Bass, you're up first."

"Hey Chris, did you have someone test this?" Amanda asked, as an idea formed in her head.

Amanda gauged the reactions of her team, and that gave her the incentive for her idea.

"Okay guys, let's huddle up!" Amanda ordered.

The Bass looked at each other, shrugged, and formed a huddle.

"Okay, I got an idea." Amanda said.

"Who decided to make you leader?" Courtney asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I am Co-Captain of my Track team. And I've taken charge before. Including in the other sports I'm in."

"But I'm a CIT. So I'm more qualified." Courtney said.

Amanda sighed, know where this was going, but they didn't have the time."Let's talk about this later. K?"

Amanda had a disliking thought in her mine to the so called CIT "Stupid CIT's always thinking they're better than everyone . I just met this uptight loser and I'm already about to beat her up to a pulp" Amanda said in her thought just about how she is going to make Courtney's life a living hell

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