The Boss!!!

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With an exiting look on her face, Anna ask Andrew that" Is it possible?". He chuckled while seeing at her face and said" Yes! of course, you can do what ever you want it except leaving me, love". While avoiding his talk, she again asked him that which brother she is going to talk and when. Andrew said to her that" you're going to talk with your big brother and right now" while seeing her excited and happy face, he took a landline phone and make a call to the James.

He gave the phone to Anna, and she started to talk, but before she says anything, James asked her that "how did she get this number?" She is shocked for a second by her brother question and said everything that happened to her when he went to army base.

After listening to what Anna said, James advised to her stay along with them and don't leave the house at any cost. She was surprised to hear her brother's suggestion and asked him that why he is saying like this. James replied to her that" That's the only place you can be safe, so that's why I want you to stay there"  so be there, now I need to go, and one more thing don't try to contact with me until I call you.

"Be careful princess and don't forget that your brother is always with you, miss you my little girl". James ended the call before Anna says anything. But something is going in her mind, and she is so confused, she rushed to meet Andrew to get her answers. 

Meanwhile, Andrew is busy in meeting room, as Anna went there she tries to get into the room, but a bodyguard stooped her and said that she can't meet Andrew as he was in a busy meeting and no one can disturb him until it comes to end. As Anna has very important to say, so she asked him to allow her, but the bodyguard insulted her and shouted at her to leave. Anna was so furious on him and left from there, She asked the driver to get her home.

After some time the meeting has completed and Andrew went to meet Anna, but she was nowhere to find as he can't see her, Andrew thought she has left him. With a lot of thoughts in his mind, he was so confused and furious.

Andrew called every employee in the company to assemble hall and asked everyone about Anna, but no one replied and remains silent. With full frustration, he made a call to Anna's driver and asked her whereabouts. The driver replied to him "Sir, madam is safe, and she asked me to take her to home, and she was so angry".  

Andrew rushed to home after listening to him, and went to Anna's room, but he can't go inside as the door was locked from inside. He knocked on the door and calling her to open the door and talk to him. But she didn't open and shouted from inside that" You're not allowed to come inside, and I won't come out, just go away", but Andrew did stop and continued to knock on the door. After a while, the door knocking sound of stopped and Anna thought that he must leave from there and open the door to check.

Suddenly a hand pulled her out of the room, and she was surprised by sudden moment and the person who caught her hand he is none other than Andrew.

Anna is asking him to leave her hand, but he didn't say anything and take her to the car. He ordered the driver to go to company, the both of them are remained silent until they reach to the company. After a while they reached, Andrew took her to the assembly room and called every worker to that room. 

Every one who present there were scared to hell as they saw Andrew angry was at peak's, Andrew called the bodyguard (the one who stopped Anna) and slapped him, When he about to give severe punishment, Anna stooped him and said" don't punish him more just let him apologize to me".

Andrew made him to apologize to her and said to everyone that" Listen everyone, the person who is standing with me is my boss, this company's vice president, so no one dares to say no to her, UNDERSTAND".

They left from there after hearing Andrew's words. Now they both are alone, Andrew apologies to for what happened when he is not there, Anna hugged him and said" Thank you..."  and said that she talked with her brother and said to him about their conversation.

She asked him that Why her brother asked her to stay with them and why is not safe outside for her.

Why James asked Anna to stay with Andrew??

Why she is not safe out of the house??

Thank you for your support guy's

Sorry for late update...

Stay tuned to know more...😉😉

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