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"...We're on our own..."

"...We have each other and to me, that's enough..."

"...Reality hurts..."

"...It's hard..."

"...I know it hurts..."


Sure enough, about an hour and a half passed, and the big city sculptures and buildings came into view. Since the crashed cars and walkers weren't as much, Glenn could drive a bit faster. "Here we are... Where is everybody?" Glenn asked, looking up and down the empty city streets as we slowly passed by.

"So much for a safe community," I grumbled, looking around as well, my eyes falling on empty tanks and the remains of military soldiers. Then my eye caught a whole city-sized pack of walkers. They didn't see us yet, but I sure as hell saw them. "There they are..." I whimpered nervously, pointing out my window. "Holy shit," Glenn gasped, "We gotta get the hell outta here," He started to reverse. He did and he sped off, the tires squealed, making the very few walkers that were around us look over and chase the car, but they couldn't catch up.

We drove out of the city and Glenn was too busy looking over his shoulder, so he crashed the car into another crashed car. "SHIT!" Glenn gasped, "We gotta get out, now!" I say, grabbing my stuff and getting out, Glenn follows. The loud crash of the cars was ten times louder, as the city was silent and echoey. I ran into the forest and Glenn ran after me.

I was naturally a fast runner, I broke all of my high school and middle school track team scores with ease, so I was ahead of Glenn, but I wasn't as fast due to my leg. "Y/n! Wait up!" Glenn called behind me, but I couldn't stop. It was like my legs had a mind of their own. Glenn eventually caught up to me, pulling me behind a tree to hide from the walkers.

"Holy shit, you're fast," Glenn panted, making me feel bad for leaving him behind out of pure instinct. "Sorry... I was just out that bitch," I say, making him to awkwardly chuckle.


We both whipped our heads to face a muscular man holding a crossbow, his hair was short, his eyes were sharp but were over eye bags, he was covered in dust and dirt, he wore a red dirt-covered shirt, rusty dark blue jeans, and hiker boots.

The man to his right, our left, was much taller, he had a shaved head, wore a white beater with a brown button-up shirt that was wide open, dark blue jeans, and leather boots, and he had a creepy smile and imitated dark eyes.

"What do we have here, huh?" The taller man said, his voice naturally raspy and slightly southern. "Merle, let's leave 'em be," The shorter one said, his voice gruff and slightly southern, so... Redneck like... I guess?

"Now, now, lil' brother, th' pretty lil' lady 'ere is injured. We should help 'em out," The man that was called Merle insisted, eying me creepily. "Leave 'em," The other man insisted, turning his heel to leave. "Guys, what is taking you so long-- Oh... Hello, there," A lady with beautiful bleach-blonde hair in a ponytail said. She wore a pair of light blue jeans a plain pastel pink buttoned-up shirt and cute ankle boots.

"Were you two the ones that caused that crash?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Yeah... We were looking for the Atlanta safety camp. The walkers came at us and I crashed the car," Glenn explained softly. "Well, we and a few others are what remains of that safety camp. Why don't you follow me and come get something to eat?" She asked softly, a small, yet untrusting smile appearing on her lips.

I didn't blame her for being on guard. If two people showed up after crashing a car in a world like this, I'd be watching their every move.

We hesitantly followed the blonde, the two men were right behind us, so we had to follow her so we didn't look suspicious. I mean, they were on guard and armed, so we didn't have a choice.

After a few minutes, we made it to the camp. There was a beautiful quarry, a few large family-sized tents, a small trailer, a clothing line, a picnic table, a small canopy area, and most of all, there were people.

Real, living, normal human beings.

There were about six or seven kids and about 10 adults. There was a truck parked, facing a trail walk path that led down to the quarry. There were boats and canoes on the shore, a campfire dug into the ground, waiting to be lit, there were unlit candles everywhere, and there were blankets scattered all over the grass.

Some of the people looked over at us as we made our way into the camp. "More survivors!?" An elderly man called from the top of the trailer, making us look up. "Yep!" The blonde called before turning back to us. "I'm Andrea, by the way. That's Dale up there and you've already met Daryl and Merle," Andrea introduced. "Uhm, I'm Glenn, this is Y/n." Glenn awkwardly said, shaking her hand, quickly letting go, "Sorry, my hands are a little sweaty," He apologized softly, rubbing his hands onto his shirt. "It's fine," Andrea chuckled at his awkwardness, before turning to me with a small smile, "Uhm... She doesn't talk much at first. She's a little shy," Glenn explained to me.

"Oh. I see. Well, welcome to the camp, you guys," She said with an empathetic smile before clapping her hands together and walking off. The man named Dale climbed down the ladder with a warm, welcoming smile. "Hey there, Glenn and... /Name that sounds like your name/?" He said confused, knowing that he didn't get it right on the first try. "Y/n. She's shy and doesn't talk much," Glenn said.

Wow, Glenn. You sound like a retarded NPC that introduces their friends and then instantly hops to the chase that I'm shy... Like... That ain't other people's business.

But I couldn't be mad or upset at him. He just wants to help and doesn't realize that he's being a teeny tiny bit annoying.

Glenn kind of reminds me of a husky.

Cute, athletic(ish), a sweetheart, awkward(depending on the husky's personality), but aloof and clueless as shit.

So more like a cat, but I prefer to think of him as a husky.

"Oh, alright then. Well, it's great to see new people here. I have a spare tent and cot for ya. C'mon, I'll show ya. Just set it up somewhere I can see ya, so I don't get worried about ya or ya scream for help but I can't see or hear ya," Dale said, stepping into the trailer and pulling out a medium sized tent.


Did he just say "cot"? As in singular?

"Oh! Uh, thanks!" Glenn said, struggling to hold it up. Dale smiled and patted his back, "No problem. Make yourselves at home!" He said before climbing the ladder again.

I helped the best I could, building the tent kind of far yet somewhat close, but not close to the forest. When it was done, I opened the cot and blushed.

It was a queen-sized one. Fuck.

So was the air mattress.

I just took a deep breath before setting up everything. Glenn went out to piss in the forest, so I had time to myself.

The air mattress was full and on the cot as well as that one annoying bedsheet that covers the mattress. I was about to put the pillows on when Glenn walked in.

"Wait... A single bed?" He asked, his face flushed red. "I didn't want to be rude. Plus, it's not like we're gonna do anything," I say, putting the pillows on, then the thin sheet. Glenn just sighed and helped me make the bed. The whole time, he was blushing and glancing at me.

I just shrugged it off and when we were finished I flopped onto the bed. "Oh, my God this feels so fucking nice," I say causing Glenn to softly laugh. "Uhm... I'll go get our stuff so... You do your thing," Glenn said awkwardly, making me smile into the air mattress at his awkwardness.

I was planning on taking a nap, but then, I remembered that tents are not very thick. I heard everyone, which reminded me that I was no longer alone... But it felt like it.

Glenn is my only friend and the only person that I can trust so far. That Merle guy, I cannot say the same. Everyone else... I don't know. I just think that I need some time.

Not all people are bad... Right?


{The Walking Dead theme song begins}

Until The End - Glenn x Reader

[...To be continued...]

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