#2: Misunderstanding

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All things considered, Ara settled in well, they accidentally gathered multiple spider people to simp for them, women, men, inbetweens, all kinds. Truly, they didn't mean it to happen, but they did have a way of being extremely attractive without meaning to be, and although Miguel is not enthralled by the idea of letting any Spiders have relations with another Spider from another universe.. Ara had a certain way about them.
Akin to Hobie but in a sexual sense.

Miguel had been the original to break the boundary though on that branch back in Ara's healing world. And he was currently going over details with them about how they might be able to fix the world where he had a happy life in but Ara could only come up with past decisions he should have made which truly saddened Miguel but he had to come to terms with it, even if he had to smash a few things in the process.
Ara would be hanging from a line of his red web while he threw his cup of tea across the room, smashing on a wall or something. Ara would twist their upper body to the side but lower to still be hanging them upside down, they surped some tea from their china cup and suspiciously watched as the man's ass bulged in that tight electrical spandex.

And it was only when, seething through clenched teeth, did Miguel turn to see Ara's eyes fixed on him but he couldn't trace where their eyes were aimed on his body. Though when he turned fully their eyes seemed to narrow and then blink out of a trance having been then staring at his cock from accident.
"You like what you see? Guess being on that planet alone for so long made ya hungry for some meat, huh?" Miguel alluded to a dark inuendo.
  "HOHOHOHOOOOOHWEEEE. You are SO outta line right now! Damn, who is this guy?-" Ara slipped and landed directly on his shoulders, stepping round to crouch and sit on his shoulder, being so much smaller than this guy, it was possible. They craned their neck and purred into his face when he rose a brow at them, "Mama likey~~" Ara purred and grinned menacingly.

Miguel scoffed heartily, "Honestly... You are a breath of fresh air... You're so different from the others. But you realise I can't be like this around the others, I gotta keep up my appearance-"
  "And your appearance is what... exactly? A tight ass with a good ass and the body of Mr Incredible if he had a fling with a Dorito?" 

By now, the original Peter Parker walked in with baby May-Day, he watched as this scene unfurled.

"You're being rude again, Ara." Miguel pinched the back of their ankle and pulled them off his shoulder, dangling them upside down and looking them in the eyes with a look of strange fondness. But he knew that Peter was with them so he dialled it back and his angered features returned, engraved in stone as the epitome of rage incarnate.

He then lowered the pale yellow suited Spider to the floor and watched sadistically as they clawed at the floor and rolled about with a grunt.

"Hey, uhh, ya wanted to see me, Miguel?" Peter asked, making himself known.
"Yes, I did-" Miguel began to agree, disrupted by Ara-
  "Yo, what happened to my china cup? I can't remember finishing my drink-" Ara asked looking around, curving and twisting about on the floor, one leg still in Miguel's grip. 
"As I was saying-" Miguel began again.
  "Seriously, I'm a thirsty bitch, whose dick I gotta suck to get a good cuppa tea back, huh?" Ara joked, interrupting Miguel again.

This time Miguel yanked them up to his face and said bitterly, "SHUT UP. I am TRYING TO SPEAK TO PETER-"
  "Not my fault you lost my tea-"
"THIS IS WHY YOU'RE here Peter, to take this one away from me and GET THEM some kind of job here that would suit their strengths and just KEEP THEM OUTTA TROUBLE!" Miguel growled.
"Seriously? Is it because I have a kid and you think I'm any good at babysitting??" Peter asked.
  "No, it's just cuz if I stay here we'll have sex again and he ain't ready for that... He wears out his voice, he's a real moanerrrr~" Ara joked, talking behind their hand about the last part with a mischievousness to their mask the entire time.

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