#5: Two Sinners

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(it may be blocked in your country because of the music but this is my animation above of the previous scenes but with the song I listened to while making this chapter and the animation. ENJOY)


In the darkened world there was that same cluster of darkness roving like a disgusting creature now. It was worse. Since Kanik had been gone for so long, the world had fallen to pieces. Hobie stood with Kanik in his arms. He stared out with narrowing eyes to see the desolate world only spiralling into deeper darkness and a creature with multiple legs of steeped darkness and piercing eyes of yellow light.

A harsh wind whipped but the air felt tight in the Spider Person's lungs. They walked to the edge of the broken land where Kanik had shown them before and leapt. Plummetting into the smaller static field, finding that it had shrunk by a lot since they were last there.

As they fall to the under earth, Miles asks, "Wasn't this place bigger before?" 
Hobie's eyes were concentrated and duller than usual, "Yep.. Yeah, it was." 
"What d'you think happened to it, Hobie?" Gwen asked worriedly.
"Nothin' good." Hobie answered as he made it to the floor faster than the others and landed with a skid and a roll, cradling Kanik to his chest securely.

His head up once more, hair bouncing casually and coolly. 

Gwen and Miles land a little way behind him, sharing a look of grief while Pav landed with a skip and a jump between them saying, "Honestly you two! You need to just kiss already!" 
Hobie gave a half smile back to Pav who chuckled and hopped and skipped to his friend's side. 
"So what's the plan, my guy?" Pav asked Hobie.
"The plan? Oh, I di'n't get that far... Uhh, well... Miles, you said when you went invisible you saw them tapping the floor with their foot, right? So, that must mean there're some sorta secret passages beneath the crust here... So.. Can ya's remember where it was and we can start from there, yeah?" Hobie asked back to Miles who nodded, seriousness and concentration returning to his features - having been blushing prior due to Pav's statement.

Miles strode past the two fellows and the knocked out Kanik. He walked on, taking a left from the steel container, still dented from before, past the chicken coup that seemed utterly dilapidated and no chickens to be found. Miles was going by memory and not really noticing what was missing, only how he'd remembered the path being...
That's not to say Hobie and the other's didn't see it either. They saw the damage, the silence of this world, the chill in their bones. How with each step they took it was as if this place had become something of the past. Something forbidden to cross by their mortal bodies.

The creature above only added to that feeling.

Hobie had a frown set into his features, alongside dullened eyes and a furrow that seemed so natural to hang from his brow, much to the demise of his happiness and coolness that he would often portray.
Pavitr's eyes saddenned at the sights and whimpered, "Where did Roberto and Rhani go?"
"The chickens are gone, Pav. I don't think this world can sustain itself without Kanik here.." Hobie scowled, moving a piece of junk out of the way and kicking it over so Pav didn't get hit by the obstruction once he'd walked the path.

Gwen asked from behind them, "How far is this trail, Miles?"
Miles, ahead of them all, stood to attention and said, "Right here, guys!" He ushered them over.

They all stood around this one spot where Miles was. 

"Now what?" Gwen asked.
"Oh right!" Miles snapped awake from his proud, sniffer dog moment. "Uhh, so they used a piece of chalk and drew like.. no lie, a perfect circle in the dirt here and then stomped.. or tapped the thing once? I think it was once anyway." Miles tried to recall.
"Aight. How'd they go in, was it steps or straight drop?" Hobie asked.
"Drop. Looked like it anyway, thing sealed up right after they dissappeared." Miles explained, hitting his palm with a fist slowly.
"Aight.. Everyone, hold onto me, Ima draw the chalk circle, Ima stomp once. Dunno if it'll do nothin' cuz.." He scoffs, "I ain't the magical one, am I?" 

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