#4: Villainous Head Trauma

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So, the spell held up. Ara's eyes both looked normal. And when they were treated by the nurse Spider around the teeth and lips, mild head trauma was assessed as well as something that Ara said was fine. But the Nurse had Hobie stay behind to tell him.

Ara had left with balled fists, cotton wool in their cheek. They left down the hallways, wrenched a plaster from the back of their hand and threw it to the lobby hallway. A rancid look to their features as they use all their rage into their fist and punched into the closest wall. It dented the heavy alloys and caused a lot of heads to turn.
Ara wiped blood from their knuckles under their septum, smearing more blood than need be. Ara growled and made a beeline for Miguel's cave/lair.

"Woah, woha, Ara... What you doin'?" Peter Dad asked marching over to Ara's side.
  "Nothin' for you to worry about." Ara snarled.
"Really? Cuz it looks like you're doing that determined face people usually pull before they do something ridiculously bad..." Peter Dad pointed out, "And you know how my job is to keep you from doing that, so, honestly, I think we should calm it down a bit and take a step back-" He stated, trying his best to calm them down while they continued their stomping walk.

All of a sudden, they whipped round with bright yellow eyes and spat, "GET out of my way before I KILL YOU and MAYDAY TOO!" 

Peter paused and stopped walking, eyes moving quickly as he thought thrugh the best way to handle this. But at the mention of his baby, he sadly spat, "Don't EVER bring my little MayDay into this... Especially not with empty threats-"
  "Empty? EMPTY!? ARE YOU TESTING ME, RIGHT NOW?" Ara stormed forwards.

A crowd of Spider came to watch. One Spider being came in to separate the fight but Ara used a spell to push them back, though it was useless as bubbles appeared and stuck to the suit of the SpiderMan who laugehd at their feeble magic usage. 

Ara growled and grabbed the SpiderMan by the nape, twisted them round, kicked under their feet, flooring them with and using an axe-kick on their thorax, winding them.
Peter Dad watched fearfully, gritting his teeth as he watched the complete and utter dead-eyed stare of Ara prowling towards him. Ara basically walked over the SpiderMan's body, even as other Spiders webbed Ara up, trying to stop this madness when honestly it did nothing but fuel their rage.

Ara shivered inwards and then, like a spring, thrust their body outwards and the web disintegrated, the only good their magic had done finally.

The Spider Persons all take a step back, suddenly more afraid too.

  "Get out of my way, you FUCKEN BUGS!" Ara roared, complete insanity laced in their eyes, stepping towards Peter Dad dangerously - who had sent a warning call to Miguel.

Miguel immediately got Layla to pinpoint Ara. He then speed walked to the position of the maddenning mage, fists balled, ready to fight properly with them this time.

Meanwhile... Nurse Spider told Hobie some unsettling news. 

"So... What you're saying is.. Their mind is... damaged? Like a mental illness thing?" Hobie asked, trying to sumarise.
"Yes.. But I think it runs deeper than that... I did some scans of them.. They are intersex, which is fine but it comes with its own challenges, as do a lot of mutations of the human skeleton.. But.. I believe the use of their magic is perhaps fuelling their pain... And.. It might be that they aren't as fluent with the language of magic as it would seem... Especially if they slipped anything about suppressing something else? Emotional repression is common in human DNA with their hurt but I think this may be more severe... So, whatever that answer may be... Someone close to them, you need to figure it out and help them before they go completely out their mind.." The Nurse Spider warned.

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